Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday 1 31 23 morning call

Dave Kalama at the harbor yesterday.

6am Surfline significant buoy readings and discussion.

South shore

  • 1.3ft
    , 18s, S 180º

Long period southerly energy is at Lanai. This is coming from the angular spreading fetch in the maps of January 22 trhough 24 below.

Check the Lahaina webcam if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.

North shore

  • 12.1ft
    , 9s, NE 50º
  • 2.8ft
    , 7s, ENE 65º
  • 2.1ft
    , 4s, ENE 75º


  • 5.7ft
    , 11s, N 350º
  • 6.9ft
    , 9s, NNE 15º


  • 7.7ft
    , 10s, NNW 340º


  • 5.8ft
    , 9s, NE 35º
  • 2.7ft
    , 11s, N 355º

Mix of NNW to NE energies at the buoys, with periods between 9 to 11s, while the long period NW vanished. Home guess for Hookipa is particularly difficult without the Pauwela buoy in this case, probably around head to head and a half.

Wind map at noon. The other ones can be found here.

Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: possibly over the ice sheet) from Windy.
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner of the North Pacific):

South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):

Morning sky.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday 1 30 23 morning call

No photos from yesterday. This is an image by Ben Thouard.

7am Surfline significant buoy readings and discussion.

South shore
No southerly energy at the buoys. Check the Lahaina webcam if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.

North shore

  • 6.9ft
    , 15s, NW 315º
  • 12.2ft
    , 8s, NE 40º


  • 12.3ft
    , 9s, NNE 30º
  • 5.1ft
    , 17s, NW 310º
  • 4.6ft
    , 11s, NNW 330º


  • 9.1ft
    , 9s, N 350º
  • 4.3ft
    , 14s, NW 310º
  • 2ft
    , 18s, NW 315º

Long period NW swell peaked last night and will slowly decline throughout the day. Home guess for Hookipa in the morning is double overhead. Very little agreement between wind models for today's wind, some call for very strong and some for very light. The one below clearly veers towards the strong side, although frmo an ESE direction.

Wind map at noon. The other ones can be found here.

Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: possibly over the ice sheet) from Windy.
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner of the North Pacific):

South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):

Morning sky.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sunday 1 29 23 morning call

Harbor yesterday.

6am Surfline significant buoy readings and discussion.

South shore

  • 0.9ft
    , 15s, S 190º

Small long period energy recorded by Lanai, but there's not much in the water. Check the Lahaina webcam if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.

North shore

  • 11ft
    , 17s, WNW 295º
  • 5ft
    , 11s, NNW 345º
  • 5.9ft
    , 7s, NNW 345º


  • 4ft
    , 18s, NW 315º
  • 9.5ft
    , 7s, NNE 25º
  • 3.5ft
    , 11s, N 350º


  • 6.2ft
    , 7s, NNE 15º
  • 2.4ft
    , 18s, WNW 300º
  • 3.5ft
    , 9s, N 0º

New long period WNW swell rose at the NW buoys (notice the 295 direction) and will be on the rise all day locally. In the water there's also shorter period energy from NNW/N. Below are the maps of January 25 through 29 that show the fetches that generated them: black arrow for the long period westerly one and red arrow for the much closer generated short period northerly. While I was at it, I also indicated with blue arrow another fetch that is responsible for a smaller NW swell (4ft 16s) that will arrive Wednesday.

Below is the Surfline forecast that shows a peak tonight at 7ft 16s for the WNW swell. The northerly one is covered by it in the graph, but it's predicted around 6.5ft 10s for both days.

Distantly generated long period westerly swell and closely generated short period north swell are as different as it gets in terms of consistency and power of the sets. Here in Maui, the first one will have extremely low consistency, while the second will have waves pretty much constantly breaking. Home guess for Hookipa is around head and a half and stormy mostly due to the latter, with occasional much cleaner sets from the former filling in more often as the day goes.
Pipeline will receive much more WSW energy than Maui, but I'm afraid the north one will sneak in there too and make conditions not ideal, also because of the NE winds. This is the youtube streaming link for the WSL contest (first of the season) starting today.
8am update: the contest is called off.

Wind map at noon. The other ones can be found here.

Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: possibly over the ice sheet) from Windy.
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner of the North Pacific):

South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):

Morning sky.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Saturday 1 28 23 morning call

No photos from yesterday, this is an image posted by OneMoreFoto.

7am Surfline significant buoy readings and discussion.

South shore

  • 0.5ft
    , 17s, SSW 200º


  • 0.4ft
    , 17s, SSW 205º

Tiny long period SSW energy at the buoys. Below are the maps of January 22 though 24 that show the fetch that generated it. Mostly angular spreading to start with, but with portions of direct aim later on. Surfline shows a very gradual increase over the weekend with a peak of 2ft 17 and 2.5ft 16s by Tuesday/Wednesday.

Check the Lahaina webcam if interested, for size, conditions and consistency (down at the moment).

North shore

  • 5.3ft
    , 11s, NNW 340º
  • 4.1ft
    , 8s, N 10º
  • 1ft
    , 16s, WNW 285º


  • 5.9ft
    , 12s, NNW 330º
  • 2.4ft
    , 9s, NNE 30º


  • 7.4ft
    , 12s, NNW 335º
  • 3.3ft
    , 5s, NNE 25º

NW energy continues its very slow decline at the buoys, now coming more from the NNW. The NW buoy shows also 1ft 16s from 285 and that could be energy from a very long period westerly swell that is predicted to arrive tomorrow (when we'll look at the fetches).
Home guess for Hookipa is around head and a half and possibly a bit cleaner than the last few days, if you catch it in a moment with no wind between the frequent rain squalls.

Wind map at noon. The other ones can be found here.

Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: possibly over the ice sheet) from Windy.
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner of the North Pacific):

South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):

Morning sky.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday 1 27 23 morning call

No photos from yesterday. Facebook memories brought back this photo from January 26 2014, a day in which Lanes looked very good.

The IWT and PWA windsurfing tours have united and this is their 2023 wave tour calendar.

5am Surfline significant buoy readings and discussion.

South shore
No southerly energy at the buoys. Check the Lahaina webcam if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.

North shore

  • 9.7ft
    , 13s, NNW 330º
  • 4.9ft
    , 10s, NNW 345º
  • 3.7ft
    , 7s, N 0º


  • 8.8ft
    , 11s, NW 320º
  • 4.2ft
    , 8s, NNW 340º
  • 2.5ft
    , 5s, N 350º


  • 8.6ft
    , 13s, NNW 330º
  • 4ft
    , 11s, NNW 335º
  • 3.7ft
    , 9s, NNW 345º

The main NW energy continues at the buoys now around 8-9ft 11-13s, but there's also the other periods you see in the buoys readings. Together with the NE wind flow, that'll give the waves a character of storminess. Home guess for Hookipa is head and half to double and not particularly clean.

Wind map at noon. The other ones can be found here.

Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: possibly over the ice sheet) from Windy.
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner of the North Pacific):

South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):

Morning sky.