What a week! Here are the highlights:
Monday 21. I surfed Hookipa. It was small, but glassy and even the monk seal showed up in the line up
Tuesday 22. Hookipa surf again. A photo with the beautiful conditions can be found a few photos below.
Wednesday 23. I surfed a little peak in front of kite beach (I had a surf lesson there). My friends told me that the surf at lowers was were nice at sunset under a light rain, but I was busy getting a massage...
Thursday 24. One of those days... I surfed lower Kanaha in the morning. A little bumpy, but a lot of fun. Later on the wind picked up and I went out on my 12.6 and a 5.0. A lot of people, but a lot of fun too at lowers first and uppers later. The last hour it became epic. The wind went down and most of the "regular" windsurfers left the scene, leaving it to me on the longboard and a few pros. Among these, Mariano Estevill and F200 (I think he's Leo Ray) were really ripping. The waves were logo high and got so glassy and perfectly peeling... I think it was the best longboard sailing session I ever had. But I say that quite often...
Friday 25. classic winter Kanaha conditions. Not a puff of wind all day (still I was able to teach windsurfing to a few beginners). I surfed three hours at sunset and I just loved it. The last half hour, again, epic conditions with the light of the sunset creating incredible colors on the glassy surface of the waves. Jesus, I love winter in Hawaii!
Saturday 26. it gets better very day... Still waves and Kona wind. Tired after yesterday's ession, I chose a mellow session at Sand Piles (see photo above). In the afternoon I sailed lower Kanaha with a 5.5 and my 12.6 longboard and it was epic conditions again. Ask any of the 10 surfers that were out! They could not believe how fast I was going on that huge board all the way thru the break on the lip of the water wall. The Kona wind, in fact, holds the the wave a lot longer and I could make some sections that looked impossible... Plus, going down the line on a Kona wind, means rideing the waves front side on goofy stance... in other words, my favorite conditions! I was so close to the lip that a couple of times I hit it loudly with the clue of the sail. So freaking cool! At sunset I quickly checked the surf at Hookipa and it was unreal. I saw a guy getting barreled at the point for at least 30 yards! Thanks to the light offshore wind, the waves were so incredibly clean that it look like some place else...
Sunday 11 27. It's raining hard in Maui on this Sunday morning. Being the world champion of always finding the good aspect of everything, I am very happy about that. For the following reasons: 1) I need some rest!! 2) I can finally catch up with some computer work... and you guys are lucky, because I have the time to write all this shit... don't get used to it, though! It will take another heavy rainy day for this to happen again... 3) Last, but not least, right while I'm writeing this, I'm watching the web broadcast of the triple crown surf contest at Sunset Beach in Oahu (http://www.triplecrownofsurfing.com). Makua Rothman just scored a 9.33 getting heavily barreled at his home break. And the best news is that in Oahu is sunny, so I hope it's going to clear up here too in the afternoon. There's a big, a bit disorganized N swell. The harbor might be the call. That's all for now. Do you understand now why I'm the happiest man in the world? Aloha.