Still, there were some waves to be ridden. I remember in particular Thursday (head high and offshore wind). Too many surfers at Hookipa, I sailed at Lanes alone and had a lot of fun.
These photos, instead, are from Friday. They all show Glenn's backloops. I'm posting them all because I just realized that I'm not sure what's the best way of photographing a backloop (or a high jump in general). Let's talk about it.
Photo 1. Probably the best. It would be nice to see the wave though... that means less zoom and/or aim a little lower.

Photo 2. In this one you can see the wave, but it would be nice to see the sky too. Again, less zoom or sit lower on the cliff. Stylish knee overlapping, by the way...

Photo 3. Oh, finally you can see both the wave and the sky, but it's not a particularly high jump. We'll blame Glenn...

Photo 4. A bit too close, don't you think?
Photo 5. A bit too close and a bit too late. You can't see the sailor. The sail looks great though...
Photo 6. This one was pretty close already. I cropped the wave and now it's just the sailor mid air. Can't tell how high he is, the focus is only on the subject of the photo. Not sure...

Photographers and non-photographers, please feel free to express your opinion with a comment.
More photos, this time taken by a friend on Thursday.
All the surfers were ordered to get out of the water, because the lifeguards saw a shark from the tower. Later in the day (as soon as the lifeguards left, maybe?), they all got back out.
Thank god they didn't bother me at Lanes and I could happily keep sailing. I guess the reason is that I was windsurfing, not surfing. In fact, Kaleo did come to Lanes with the jet ski to grab a couple of surfers, but they looked like beginners getting blown downwind, so I thought it was another kind of rescue...
Well, my friend is a blog reader and I guess I must have inspired him... thank you so much for this one!
Now, how about this one? I must have lost the screw of the fin and I didn't even know that!!!
Actually I did notice that it took me forever to sail back from Lanes to Hoo (poor angle and slow speed), but I blamed that on the gusty wind.
I wonder if I even rode a few waves like that...
Today is Sunday and I had a really fun SUP surfing session at Thousand Peaks. No wind, sunny sky, perfectly peeling two footers... what a blast! From one to two feet, I really dig SUP surfing.
Here's how the ocean looked like with Lanai in background.

And here's how the blog author looked like with the Mauna Kahalawai (hawaiian name of the West Maui Mountain) on the background.

Lastly but not leastly, you guys remember the broken Goya?
30 dollars and quite a few hours later, here's a piece of art.
The fix came out so good, I had to sign it...
How did I get the rocker so perfect without the original rocker jig (damn, what's the other and more used word for jig?) and a vacuum bag?
Let's see if anybody guesses the brilliant, yet very simple idea I had...
Can't wait to put it in the water and see how much the added weight (yes, it did take some weight) will influence the performance. I'll have Cookie (the original owner) ride it and tell me the difference...
By the way, what a bloody great blog this is! You guys so lucky... I just got to improve the post titles a bit.
Modesty: always been one of my many qualities...
PS. Last minute addition, I forgot about this one. Check the reflection in my glasses...