Dear island surfer,
you probably figured this already, but it's good to be reminded... Hawaii is not anymore the safety paradise it used to be!
My car got stolen in Kahului last Friday, Feb 10th. It was found two days later. My three surfboards were gone along with my car stereo components.
Here's a brief description of the boards:
a) 9.3 Bill Foote. Bright yellow deck with the footprint logo right on the front, round pin tail. The bottom is white and there's a fix with the footprint logo on one side. No measures written.
b) 8.6 Town & Country. Shaped by K. Rapoza (it says that on the deck), blue color, round pin tail. It has a reinforcement of fiberglass 4 inches wide on the stringer from the pad to the shaper's name. I'm attaching a photo of it (I'll put it on my blog too).
c) 6.10 Illusion surf. White (don't remember the shaper).
If you see them, call me, write down the license plate, call the police (I got a police report with their description), start screaming, do something... If they try to sell them to you for cheap cash (less than $100 for a) and b) and less than $50 for c)), please buy them, take the license plate number and call me. I will buy them back from you! If you are the thief, call me I'll buy them back (just kidding...).
The most important thing would be to email all you surfer friends and spread the word. PLEASE!
Thanks a lot for you help and time! Aloha,
Giampaolo Cammarota (cammar@cammar.net)
PS 1. Monday Feb 6th, I rescued a kite in the water at Kanaha. If you think it's yours, call me to identify it. It's not a major brand.
PS 2. Since we're here, I also got the blue ama of my Honu one man canoe stolen from the canoe club rack in Kahului a few months ago (what's up with this bad luck?!?). It has a little stone inside that rolls when you tip it. I'm looking for a used Honu compatible ama and iakus to buy.