Saturday, March 18, 2006

Last sunday I went on a whale watch cruise (thanks to Nancy and Jamie for the free tickets). Whales were nice, but I usually see them from way closer when I go longboard sailing... and I'm alone in perfect silence... much better!
So I was more interested in noticing how unhealthy most of the mainland tourists are. What's really shocking for me, is that they have no idea of how bad they eat and they think it's normal to be so fat. Of course, everbody else around is!
The food industry in the States is powerful. They make billions selling incredibly unhealthy food and at the same time they generate business for the farmaceutical and medical industries, to which, I suspect, they are linked.
The Americans are incredibly naive in believing everything that is shown on the tv commercials. Information about eating and living ealthy are not shown on tv, but are available on the internet. A simple google query would be enough to open their eyes. So, they have their part of fault too.
The human species is supposed to be the most intelligent on Earth. It depends on the definitions of intelligence, I guess. Killing yourself by eating shitty food doesn't sound too smart too me...
We are by far the species that behaves in the most unnatural way (actually, the only one!). That's why the more people I know the more I like animals...
And here I'm just talking about eating. So many other things we do are totally unnatural. Think about it...
Feel free to post a comment with an example of an human unnatural behavior.


cammar said...

Well, since I went to Mulligans yesterday night, I have to start first. How natural you think is "getting drunk at St. Patrick's day"???

Anonymous said...

...taroburgers for everyone

cammar said...

Dude, I couldn't find them at Mana food yesterday... Bring some tomorrow or I'll buy Boca Burgers :-)

Anonymous said...

Relax. I suppose I know how you feel... somewhat creepy to see people of generous size? I see them around in supermarkets and it makes me cringe - I don't like feeling that way and don't know why that's my reaction. I feel those population are not even aware that they are bearing unhealthy weight. For that I do feel sorry for them

Anonymous said...

Mana sold-out? did you ask them? they were on the shelf around 6pm. Unless somebody really hungry bought them all...Boca burgers! you'll end up like your photo subjects

cammar said...

Yes 'j' I agree, but it's sad that people do things without thinking about it.
Tonight I saw a very good movie called "Why we fight". Another example of a quite unnatural human behavior: building weapons and killing innocent people.
This goes out to all the people that have the "I support our troops" ribbon on their cars: next time, before attaching a sticker to your bumper, connect the brain first... By supporting your troops, you are actually supporting the following:

1) the murder of thousands of innocent people (on, you can download a named list of more than 30,000 civilians killed in the Iraq war so far...)

2) the personal interests of all the politicians colluded with the the war and oil industries (president and vice president first)

3) the violent expansion of the american empire

And please, don't come up with 9/11, because it has always been quite clear that the war in Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11... even Bush admitted it!

Ok, enough of that.