Let's start with my favorite one. The water was kind of cold, so I think we should really thank this surfer girl for not covering her beauty with some neoprene!
Jason Prior took two of his pets (a dog and a fish) for a walk on the rocks.
Here he is trying to get... barreled? It looks more like.. worked!
Flags... no matter what country the represent, I just can't stand them. For I look at them like as symbol of war.
Today my dad asked me on the phone how was my year. I said:"best year of my life!".
He said:"but you said that last year too!"
I said:"really? Ain't that great, dad?"
My 2007 QUOLI was 95%. Stay tuned for more detailed statistics...
Happy new year to all the animals on this planet, especially to the innocent ones who are about to face extinction because of human pollution.
Happy new year, polar bear with less ice where to live on!
Did you guys enjoy my blog in 2007? Ok, do me one favor in return. Read this article, please. And look at those satellite photos of the north pole.
And then ask yourself: was all the pollution you contributed to today really necessary?
Is any electric appliances on in your house that really needs to be on? How about those christmas lights?
Is using the drier every time you do your laundry really necessary?
Are all those cylinders of your truck/suv/car really necessary or could you live with a smaller engine?
Do you really need to introduce all those new plastic bags in the environment every time you go grocery shopping or could you maybe do the extreme sacrifice of buying a 1 dollar reusable bag and reuse it a thousand times?
Is there anyone out there who cares? Happy new year to them...
Nice lady!!
About the cold water, check ours:
And yes, its the watertemprature, not the windspeed in beaufort :(
It got only one bonus...if you jump in without a suit, not even a lady like that could see how excited you are :D
Anyway a great wavy, windy, healthy 2008 to you.
ciao gp e che sia un altro grandioso anno..
ps: i tuoi spunti "extra surf" sono SEMPRE graditi (vd. commenti ai post precedenti..).
Go on
I enjoy reading your blog about the surf conditions on Maui, so I read the link you posted. I do believe global warming is a problem that needs to be handled. But I don't understand how a surf blog based on Hawaii and preaching about reducing CO2 and energy use can go side by side? Surely living on Hawaii is one of the most eco-unfriendly things that can be done? The amount of flying done by residents of Hawaii and energy used transporting goods there must make it the most energy using place on the planet. Don't get me wrong, I've visited Hawaii, have loved it and will be back again. I just think that individual actions are never going to solve large environmental problems. The real answers might involve banning travelling to and living in remote places like Hawaii for the general population. What do you think?
Thanks guys for your comments.
Anon, instead I do believe that individual actions are the key to solve large environmental problems.
In my opinion there is an astonishing lack of the sense of urgency that the situation requires.
So, even before looking for solutions, we need everyone on the planet to be aware of what's going on. And we are incredibly far from it.
Your point about Hawaii being eco-unfriendly because of its remoteness is interesting... I never really thought about it.
Thanks for pointing that out, it motivates me even more to try to buy (or grow my own) local produce/products.
One good thing is the new Maui wind farm that's producing some energy out of the trade winds. If one day that would grow to the point to cover 100% of the electric energy needed, maybe the total balance of Hawaii energy consumption would not be that bad and there would be no need to ban travels/life here...
Hey GP. I hope it's a happier New Year for the planet anyway - and you and your readers. I wrote a post recently too showing some guys (From Hawaii) at the edge of the ice cap - surfing. Read the post and you'll see why I think Global Warming has been a bad thing to call this impending disaster. Ice Ice Baby...
Hi Brian,
you are the marketing communication expert...
For me it wouldn't change a think the way they call it, but maybe you're right, if they called it with a more catastrofic name maybe it would have drown more attention. Maybe.
Hey, Maui is not even the draft 08 pwa schedule...
Well, as a good aspect, maybe pros and tourists willing to watch won't book their tickets to Maui in advance and it will be a little less crowded than last november (that was ridicolously crowded).
You think this year we will finally have live webcasts of the events?
Maui not on the draft 2008 PWA!!!! hmm more of the vacation rental fallout no doubt....one thing less windsurfers travelling to maui less emmissions contributed from the aircraft they otherwise would have flown on... BUT the other tooristas going to kihei and west maui/ kaanapali will more then make up for them...they say springs up here in canada are happening a month sooner, lake superior ( the largest freshwater lake in the world , i windsurf on it ) lake levels the lowest ever in recorded history
global warming
Yo GP,
We always hope to have live webcasts, but the issues are cmplicated and it seems to involve a biggger budget than it first appears. Sure on guy on the beach in Maui can do a bit but if we have it at all the spots there are conflicting media interests with local organisers and sponsors, plus the expense of the personnell etc. all add up to quite a lot. Rich is the guy who is in charge and I'm sure he wants to take that step up as much as you, but we need one of your blog readers who's the CEO of a big copmany to splash the cash windsurfing's way! That would make a very happy new year indeed huh? Keep up the good work.
Nice Ass GP, not yours by the way!
I love your blog- the watersports, the environmentalism, the babes. Congrats on the 95% quoli. :) I look forward to the "detailed stats" on your year's sessions. I posted a similar windsurfing-stats wrap-up for 2007 on my own blog.
First photo is outstanding. Keep 'em coming. --CHico
hey, blog readers CEO of big companies... did you hear that?
Hi Jeff, 'zup Lano.
James, my stats will not be as detailed as yours!!! Hopefully you'll like them anyway. Actually I'll post a photo of my calendar and if you wish, you can calculate the stats for me... ;-)
Chico, the photos on your flickr page are not too shabby either... but, how about this guy? I wonna have his job!!!!
Uff... make sure you don't miss this one!
It almost gave a heart attack...
Giampaolo, saw you out alone at Lower Kanaha early this afternoon. Since there were guys who had rigged 6.3s and had 100 liter boards and were waiting for enough wind; YOU ARE THE MASTER OF LIGHT WIND....
Yo Bob,
thanks, but I'm not master of anything...
I just love the light wind and I got the right gear... I was on my 10 feet SUP board with mast box installed by myself...
Ok, I'll take the title of Master of having fun.
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