Nico at the bottom.

Nico at the top.


Josh Stone at the bottom.

Josh Stone at the top.

Israeli guy at the bottom.

Israeli guy at the top.

Camille at the bottom.

Camille at the top.

This one was buried in the internal memory of my camera.
May 19 2007, 6.03pm. Naples, Italy.
What a scare yesterday.
I was testing a non-dacron sail and forgot how those battens pop when the wind hits it from the other side. For some reasons, the way I tack I get three bangs: bang-bang-bang! Not used to such "rudeness" I fucked up the first few tacks and on one - I don't know what I hit - but I did hit something hard with the arch of my right foot. Quite painful, but nothing broken, I kept sailing on a slight pain for two hours.
Yesterday night though, the arch was swelling and very painful. I put lots of ice and this morning it's a lot better. Had to give up a morning surf sesh (there's waves on the south shore), but hopefully I'll be able to sail this afternoon.
There's still some fun waves to be ridden and tomorrow there will be a new NNW swell. 8 to 12 feet faces, uncle Pat says... and in uncle Pat we trust!
Fantastic long lasting wave sailing stretch indeed.
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Oh, unfortunately I'm about to give up with the Hookipa Rockstar Contest. Even though I think it's a fun idea, the execution is almost impossible. I can't keep track of all the people that go on the rocks and the self claiming system is not working.
It would be nice to have a blackboard by the lifeguard tower on which the rockstar could write his/her name, but that is definitely not doable.
Maybe I could "hire" rockstar spotters and rely on their feedbacks...
Anyone has better suggestions?
Nice pics - a great stretch of sailing indeed.
On the rockstar contest - it's a tough one. I'm assuming the problem is not with people cheating and adding to the count. I think there's a lack of awareness about it for some reason. Maybe earning points to report people that were on the rocks might help it a bit. Maybe a scale as follows (not to be exact - just to illustrate idea):
1. Saw X on the rocks - I earn 1 point. He earns 5.
2. Saw X on the rocks - here is a pic of him. I earn 5 points. He earns 10.
3. I was in the rocks no witness - I earn 5 points.
4. I was in the rocks - here's a picture of it or so so can confirm. 10 points.
5. Life Guard jet ski trip - 20 points. (don't laugh - our "sperm" dress friend had 2 in 3 days I believe)
Not sure but it may get people more engaged in it. And it's kind of fun to snap shots of your buddies getting smacked on the rocks... no? :)
Just an idea.
Swelling foot, not too good. Take it easy, you don't want to mess up your foot...that's my lesson learned for this year:)
found that very nice clip yesterday.
I would say conditions similar to la peruse. What do you think?
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