So, here we go! Let's get rid of some...
Still day 3 at Cloudbreak. Halfway decent top turn... if it wasn't for the usual "dead" front arm.

Here I finally figured out that it's better to kick out before the end (shallow reef), even though the next section looks doable.

Lil drop/bottom turn mini-sequence.

Considering the position of the boat where Stu is taking photos from, this must be one of those waves I was catching in the very end section. I had the most fun there.

Fuck yeah! I wonder why Stu didn't add any photos of this sequence to the dvd... maybe the wave got in the way?

Little cuttie on the right of Namotu (Pools) on that magic session on day 5.

Back to Cloudbreak day 3: another beautiful wave right in front of the lifeguards paddling out. One of them (Nathan) was quite impressed by my surfing after "only" 9 years of practice.
Well, they're paid to please the customers...

Another barrel opportunity...

...carefully avoided.

Pools. What a session that was.

This is Lefts in the morning of day 5. Compared to Cloudbreak, Namotu Lefts is a mellow wave: the lip is not throwing... at least in this session! In this case, I'll manage to duck dive, but overall I have to confess that I had to let go of my board (after having checked that no one was behind) soooo many times. That is a clear sign that I was surfing waves a bit too hard core for my skills. I got very lucky that my leash or board didn't break. I would strong recommend a new thick leash for a Fiji trip.

Lefts again. We're sitting quite relaxed thinking that we are wide enough even for that big one...

Ok, better paddle just a little bit more over to the side...

There will be one last Namotu post after this. And after that, you guys just want to hope that wireless internet connections will be available in Indo.
Oh yeah! Check out the video that one of the Aussies on the same trip did. Good job, Andrew!