Wednesday, October 14, 2009

lots of surfing these days in Maui

I actually managed to squeeze in a sweet light wind wave sailing sesh on Saturday. No regular water start (only the light wind technique) and a couple of uphauls... that's how light it was. But smooth, glassy waves. At the beginning my timing was a bit off (September has been windy..) but towards the end I did slightly better. Not as good as Pascal, Jake and Peter who are true light wind masters.

Other than that, it's all about surfing. I surfed Paia bay, Lanes, Middles, Kanaha always with the 6.10. Loving it.
Still glassy conditions for a few more days, then a short spell of trades during the weekend (together with the confirmed south swell) and then the north pacific will go again in El Nino mode, as the following weather map (6 days from today) clearly shows. Doesn't look like a good winter for windsurfers, but the surfers should be stoked. The trick is to be both, so you're always happy!
By the way, the low south of the islands should bring unusual SE winds and lots of rain mid next week.

A couple of shots from the Alex files. There's a few sailors that you can tell just by watching the amount and shape of spray they throw in the top turn. Luke Siver is one of them.

Polish blog reader Michal sent me the link to his gopro wipeout video. Nice one!

It's 6.15am, waves are calling!


Nice said...

you really think this winter will be bad for windsurfing at Maui? Based on the El Niño?
Hmmm, maybe I should rethink on going there this winter then :(

cammar said...

Yes, based on el Nino this winter should be good for surfing and not so good for windsurfing.
But then who knows...