Saturday, October 31, 2020
Saturday 10 31 20 morning call
This awesome run of great surfing conditions continued yesterday morning.
This is Imai on one of those full carbon deck KT boards. The production version are called Expanse and they look just as sick. I unpacked a few yesterday at Hi-Tech, together with a bunch of "traditional" Crusher, Plate Lunch, Mini longboards and prone foiling boards. Got plenty more to unpack today. Come check them out.
4 knots of Kona is the best possible wind for Hookipa, IMO. Here it was blowing more like 10-12.
Later on the windsurfers went out at Lanes and Jimmie Hepp posted this album. It opens with this ridiculous table top off the lip by the incredible Marcilio Brown, aka Browsinho.

4am significant buoy readings and discussion.
South shore
1.7ft @ 12s from 191° (SSW)
Very small reading at Lanai should equate to very small waves, possibly mostly flat, on the south shore. Check the Lahaina webcam
if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.
North shore
6.6ft @ 10s from 357° (N)
3.4ft @ 9s from 38° (NE)
Closely generated NW swell seems to be holding (at least west of us) and coming from a more N direction. Very difficult to guess the size here in Maui, but probably smaller than yesterday. I should be able to report pretty early today.
Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue:
angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: apparent direct aim,
but out of the great circle ray map, so not 100% sure).
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner
of the North Pacific):
South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):
Morning sky.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Friday 10 30 20 morning call
Thanks to blog reader Wesley for the donation.
The predicted onshore flow picked up around noon at Hookipa, but was never as strong as the maps suggested. At sunset it was light kona and the waves were excellent again. I saw a set just past 6pm that was a 10, with the second wave barreling all the way from green trees to the channel. Too dark and nobody on it. These couple of shots of Jackson Bunch are from the morning instead.
4am significant buoy readings and discussion.
South shore
1.7ft @ 14s from 181° (S)
1.7ft @ 14s from 187° (S)
North shore
8.1ft @ 10s from 354° (N)
8.5ft @ 10s from 341° (NNW)
4.2ft @ 10s from 324° (NW)
5.2ft @ 11s from 347° (NNW)
5.6ft @ 9s from 335° (NNW)
3.1ft @ 9s from 54° (ENE)
The closely generated NW swell is hitting the buoys at Hanalei and Waimea. Impossible to guess how much of that energy (that is missing us to our west) we're getting in Maiu, probably around 4-5ft 11s. If that is true, Hookipa should have waves in the head to head and a half high range, but that'll have to be confirmed by a beach report that I will post later. Wind is Kona, so conditions should be good.
Hilo shows the very consistent NE energy that's been in our waters for at least a week now, so eastern exposures will continue to have small waves.
Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue:
angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: apparent direct aim,
but out of the great circle ray map, so not 100% sure).
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner
of the North Pacific):
South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):
Morning sky.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Thursday 10 29 20 morning call
Light kona and sunshine wind gave the waves at Hookipa a wonderful look yesterday morning.
We both got the shot.
5am significant buoy readings and discussion.
South shore
1.5ft @ 15s from 206° (SSW)
1.6ft @ 15s from 194° (SSW)
In theory, those would not be bad readings at all, but they're not supported by any significant fetch a week ago (I went and checked) and in fact today looks pretty flat. No idea what's the source of it... and why both buoys read so high.
Hang on, here's what seems to be a set at Breakwall, so once in a long while maybe there is something. Check the Lahaina webcam
if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.
North shore
6.2ft @ 9s from 335° (NNW)
4.4ft @ 9s from 346° (NNW)
3.6ft @ 9s from 334° (NNW)
2.8ft @ 9s from 24° (NNE)
Possible small NW reinforcement could rise in the afternoon, but it doesn't matter at all, since the winds will then be unfavorable. Wave size, period and direction count very little compared to the local wind.
Here's Pat Caldwell's description of the evolution of the fetch:
A surface low pressure formed to the immediate NNW of Hawaii 10/26 and has remained nearly stationary into 10/28 near 35N, 160W. Models show it shifting slowly SE into Friday then lifting out to the NE Saturday. ASCAT satellite starting 10/27-28 showed a long fetch of strong to near gale breezes on the W to N side of the surface low pressure area. The seas are aimed highest at targets west of Hawaii, but close enough for angular spreading to deliver significant waves locally. As of midday 10/28, the NOAA NW Hawaii buoys do not show any clear indication of the new event. Short- to moderate-period surf is expected to build locally Thursday from 330-360 degrees with heights climbing to near the October average. This event should peak on Friday above average from the same direction, then slowly drop into Sunday. Proximity should equate with less organized breakers given the active energy expected in the 6-10s band along with the dominant 10-12 second energy, all from a similar direction.
Below is the collage of the maps of Oct 28 through 28. I put a blue arrow on the fetch uncle Pat's talking about. As you can see, it shouldn't produce much for Maui, as we are quite a bit east from where the energy is going to go. I put a red arrow on a remote NE windswell fetch which instead will keep Hookipa and the eastern exposures non flat.
Hookipa and eastern exposures will have small but possibly clean waves until around 11am, when the winds will turn NW.
Wind map at noon .The other ones can be found at link n.-2 of GP's meteo websites list in the right column (click on animation of the 10 meter column).
Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue:
angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: apparent direct aim,
but out of the great circle ray map, so not 100% sure).
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner
of the North Pacific):
South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):
Morning sky.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Wednesday 10 28 20 morning call
Glorious days of surfing yesterday. Thanks to the lack of wind, the conditions got progressively better in the second half of the day and Hookipa was a 9 at sunset (though I counted 150 people from Lanes to Pavils).
This is Zane Schweitzer who, as usual, was totally shredding. In case you missed it (I don't think I posted the link), this is an album from Oct 17 by Jimmie Hepp that shows some radical moves of him, barrels included.
Perfectly landed air rotation.
Levi Young.
One of the things I like about Zane's surfing is the intensity he puts into every single move. When he came in, he attacked a little closeout wave in the shore break like if it was Waimea.
This is funny. A blog reader was texting with a friend around 6am about the wave conditions and where to go surf. He guessed my Hookipa report almost perfectly three hours in advance. If I'm ever going to need a deputy, I know who to call.
5am significant buoy readings and discussion.
South shore
1.2ft @ 16s from 201° (SSW)
1.1ft @ 16s from 201° (SSW)
1ft 16s is not much, but it means the south shore won't be completely flat. Check the Lahaina webcam
if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.
North shore
5.6ft @ 10s from 348° (NNW)
4.3ft @ 9s from 349° (NNW)
2.4ft @ 11s from 326° (NW)
4.2ft @ 9s from 344° (NNW)
2.9ft @ 8s from 57° (ENE)
NW swell now coming more from a NNW direction and down to 9-11s, but still with decent size. Hookipa will still have at least head high waves. Eastern exposures will have something too, as there's also the easterly energy recorded by Mokapu.
Wind map at noon .The other ones can be found at link n.-2 of GP's meteo websites list in the right column (click on animation of the 10 meter column).
Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue:
angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: apparent direct aim,
but out of the great circle ray map, so not 100% sure).
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner
of the North Pacific):
South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):
Morning sky.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Tuesday 10 27 20 morning call
I'm gonna use this sequence to show the size of the waves at Hookipa yesterday morning. Kelson Lau and Skyler Lickle dropped into a bomb tandem surfing on a 10 foot longboard. Looked good at the takeoff...
Bit too much on the rail mid face...
Skyler checking the remarkable size of the wave at the bottom, while Kelson had to abandon ship. Leash obviously snapped, which, in hindsight, was probably a good thing for the integrity of Kelson's leg. Good effort, I'm sure they had fun.
6am significant buoy readings and discussion.
South shore
1.1ft @ 18s from 218° (SW)
0.9ft @ 18s from 213° (SW)
The long period SW energy I pointed out yesterday is now around 1ft 18s. That should give inconsistent decent sets once in a while. Check the Lahaina webcam
if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.
North shore
5.3ft @ 11s from 343° (NNW)
NW swell is now around 3-4ft 11-12s locally and will continue to gradually decline throughout the next few days. Hookipa will still have waves probably in the head to over head high range. I reported Mokapu also, as there's been plenty NE fetches, so eastern exposures will have waves too.
Wind map at noon .The other ones can be found at link n.-2 of GP's meteo websites list in the right column (click on animation of the 10 meter column).Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: apparent direct aim, but out of the great circle ray map, so not 100% sure).
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner
of the North Pacific):
South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):
Morning sky.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Monday 10 26 20 morning call
Great day of big waves on the north shore. This is one from my first session.
This is my pick from Jimmie Hepp's album of the windsurfing action at Hookipa.
3-4am significant buoy readings and discussion.
South shore
0.5ft @ 20s from 218° (SW)
0.5ft @ 20s from 187° (S)
Half foot 20s at both buoys, below is the collage of the maps of Oct 18, 19 and 20. I put a red arrow to indicate the possible source (angular spreading blue circled fetch). Wouldn't be too excited about it, but keep an eye on the Lahaina webcam
if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.
Here's a 6.13am beauty.
North shore
5.5ft @ 12s from 303° (WNW)
5.3ft @ 13s from 314° (NW)
4.6ft @ 13s from 320° (NW)
NW swell peaked yesterday, but still plenty waves on offer on the north shore today. Hookipa will probably be around head and a half to start with and slowly decline all day (but not much).
Wind map at noon .The other ones can be found at link n.-2 of GP's meteo websites list in the right column (click on animation of the 10 meter column).
Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue:
angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: apparent direct aim,
but out of the great circle ray map, so not 100% sure).
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner
of the North Pacific):
South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):
Morning sky.