Last year I went to Italy in September and I missed one of the biggest south swells ever, with people flying to Maui from all over the world to ride Maalaea.
This year I went to Italy (where I am right now) in June. Here's Pat caldwell's last thursday forecast:
SUMMARY...Quasi-high south swell into mid Saturday. (this means that there's already a decent swell right now)
Into the long range... The zonal jet stream pattern south of new zealand is modelled to turn meridional, or more south to north, in the longitudinal band just east of new zealand. This could steer storms more equatorward, allowing a more established captured fetch in great circle bands relative to Hawaii, and leading to greater surf potential locally, centered around the common high surf date of kamehameha day
I just could not believe it and I had to go check myself.
Below is the weather map modelled to happen on June 6th. The one of June 5th is just as impressive.

That means that Pat is right (yes, it happens quite often) and I am going to miss another epic one.
And even though my best friend tried to comfort me saying:"The waves, wind, water, toys and friends will all be here upon your return" (thanks baby, appreciated try), here's a simple thing I need to say on my blog:
Stay in Italy longer and maybe we will keep getting thes epic swells.
Why south swells wait for me to be gone?
Because 'attitude is everything'!
Don't worry amigo, Bernd and I will make the most of it and have you in mind while we play in the waves. So in a way you will be hear. Aloha
Allright... thanks for the attitude reminder...
It's a good thing that I miss them...
I could have fucked up my knee which instead need to rest...
You guys enjoy them...
I'm happy for you...
There will be more waves...
I'm having a great time in Italy...
I am the happiest man on Earth...
still... WODDAFUCK!!!
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