But tonight I ended up on my blog (hey, if it happens to others why can't it happen to me?) and I checked how many contacts I had. These are today's values per country.

Wow! I'm not posting shit and all this people keep checking my blog every day?!?
I better post something urgently! I don't want to lose my fans...
Here's a video that I filmed last month in Italy. It shows my old place in Rome. I love it because it reminds me of my past life. And of how much better my new one is... without a tie.
Hope you guys enjoy it. Actually I hope you guys can see it... so far, in fact, it's still "awaiting approval" on vmix. Even though it may be rated "under parental control", I think that in the end it will be approved anyway... it's not THAT good... ;-)
Oh, by the way, check out Ulli's birthday present: http://mynameisulli.blogspot.com/
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and speak for all your fans.
"Fix your bloody camera-those blue photos are driving me crazy"! I’m sure Costco will accommodate another return.....BTW-nice to have you back in blogville :-)
GP, that's heavy, trippy, dude. Going back just shows that you can never go back. Was it heaven, or was it hell? If you turn to look, you will be turned into a still statue of stone.
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