"Well... I guess I am"
"I'm from Germany" -he said- "and I always check your blog"
He looked kind of excited to have met me.
Now, how freakin cool is that?
My friends were quite impressed...
I can now say that I have fans all over the world. This one in the photo, though, still remains my favorite fan...

wow, and no boobs????
Rumor has it he only asked you after Ulli said 'no'!
Sharon, your humor is beyond...
It took me a while (and your long phone explanation) to understand what you meant...
I got Michelle's one right away, though!
You werent this excited when I met you at Hookipa in June Giampaolo....
....and I am from Adelaide SA,
Lano, don't get jelous but the other guy was a little cuter than you...
Keep up the good work G!
Hehe - what a funny thread came out of this! I am the guy who talked to you that day and - ahem - it might have been a bit of a jet lag that gave me that wide-eyed-fanatic look that day, cause I had just arrived and I was about to have my first session at uppers after a year. So I kind of felt like waking up in the middle of what I´d been watching on the web for weeks. So, keep that web-surf-soap-blog up! The guy from germany, back in real life
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