Now, that's a doctor that knows his patients!
I got out of his office with a big smile (never been happier to pay for a visit...) and drove directly to Kanaha where I sailed pretty much all day.
I started on a 4.5, but soon I had to replace it with a 4.2. I usually don't prefer strong wind, but this time, because I had no expectations to sail at all today (and maybe all week..), I just loved it. Not too gusty, a bit choppy for sure, but not too many people out... head to overhead high waves, not a cloud...
The sunset sesh was even better. The wind calmed down a bit and the waves got smoother... a few friends out sharing waves... oh man, can't get better than that!
Talking about friends, here a clip of Glenn from the top of the mast.
It starts with a long sequence of five jumps. Notice how the sail moves like a bird wing when he pumps it... specially before the last jump. And notice how the board moves like a snake during the pumping action...
There's two backloops and a forward (together with a bunch of high jump, a table top and a vulcan)... good luck at spotting them!
In fact, a rotation jump with the camera on the mast makes the world rotate around the sailor and it's quite difficult to understand what's going on... that's why I put a couple of slow motions...
If you can't see it here, try here.
What else? I got so much stuff to post...
Monday April 23 was a great day for windsurfing. I took a few shots at Hoo. Mmm... from which one do I start? Oh, what am I thinking...
The sailor of the day was Phil McGain. For two reasons. Not only because he rips at 44 (actually there was a bunch of over 40 out there that day), but also because of the veeery short kilt he was wearing at Andy's scottish party. Somebody told me that it was an hysterical vision. Some other told me he was unwatchable... too bad I don't have a photo of that...
Anyway, here he looks pretty good...
And this is Robby Naish off the lip.
A bunch of more photos here.
Got more stuff to post, but no time. Come back tomorrow.
PS. Hey, check this out: I've been added as an official Hot Sails Maui team rider... you got to be kidding me! How did I get there being such a kook? I don't know... it's one of the things I do...
Thank you guys!
the table top was sick in the movie, this is a nice shot. i notice none of you guys move your hands up and down the boom when you are wave riding for more radical turns, i would think this would be super cool at kanaha on the slow wave to keep you in the pocket?
love the off the lip by mr naish.
Congrats on the Hot Sails gig, nice photo of you too! Shame they spelt your name wrong!
I am more convinced than ever, superfreaks are the way to go!
Great little vid from Kanaha as well mate, as Meesh said, that table top was my fave as well.
Keep pushin....
Yo Meesh,
I went back to check and I move my back hand in all the 28 bottom turns of my video...
Glenn does it most of the times, not always... nonetheless is a much better waverider than me...
I agree, the more you move your hand back the more aggressive the bottom turn will be, but, as you said, Kanaha is a slow wave, can't take too much aggressivness...
Lano, say hi to Hannas and Babs...
The table top was sick and the vulcan was fun to watch...
Hey I want to be a team rider for Super Freak too.... as Jeff is clearly lowering is standards I might have a chance! Do you have to be able to jibe?
That vid is quite something! Impressive style and moves.
@ Lano; you are absolutely right in saying that Superfreaks are the way to go! Have been sailing them for a while now and they are the dog's bollocks! I used to be the only one on our beaches on Freaks, not anymore :). Last weekend we even had a Superfreak meeting (just a bunch of Superfreak owners and enthousiasts flying their colours). It might sound a bit geeky but it was loads of fun, especially because Jeff Henderson attended as well, explaining all about the sail. Shame we had no wind, but good people, good food and some beers made up for it. Sorry for hijacking your blog for a bit G.P. Over here, nice, sunny, flat but enough wind to Flash my Freaks :-)
Have a good weekend!
Sharon, not sure about the jibe, but for sure you don't have to be able to tack...
Hey Robin, no worries. I saw some pictures of the meeting on the forum and it looked really cool... a beach full of Superfreaks! I imagine Jeff must have felt quite proud of what he has done...
On the other hand, it doesn't sound geeky at all (at least to me) and I think you guys must have been stoked to meet the creator of such a killer sail... is he a nice guy or what?
You said it G.P. Jeff is a real nice guy. Very accesible, quite open and funnily enough he knew quite a lot abot the Superfreaks. :) (where are the smilies on your blog ;) ). Today a nice soulsession on the 7.0 freak. Actually a good day for SUP windsurfing (we had some swell), my board will arrive next week can't wait.
Hey Robin,
not to make you jelous, but I got one of those Starboard 12.2 in my garage...
How did I get it? I don't know... it's one of the things I do...
And it's even a wooden edition!!!
Haven't sailed it much though... so windy these days...
Enjoy yours when it gets there!
Well G.P. just got news (about 10 minutes ago) that mine might have arrived...
Check: for pics.
Stoked to know that you have one as well, now lets see if we both can have as much fun on it. You on your killer waves, me on my euro trash. And please G.P. and Sharon look around on your trips to the old world and see what conditions we get out here.
That's exactly it!
And today I used it at Hookipa (we had a film shoot). I hired a lifeguard to take some pictures with my camera... stay tuned.
Boy, Hookipa is not a wave for longboards, that's for sure. Too fast and too steep, but I managed to have fun anyway...
Congrats on the team rider thing!
Regarding movement of backhand - I thought it was super to be able to see both that and the heavy movement of the torso of glenn at and directly after the cutback
totally... even Jeff loved the videos.
I still have to post a photo of the mast mount... hang in there!
Bravo mate !!! for the spot on the team that is. well it was really just a matter of time in my mind. so now it's finally happened and i'm sure you will make a fantastic contribution. rock on !
by the way, that last comment was from me, Noa
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