Let's start from this pre-surf sesh in Manhattan Beach (LA) shot. Looks like I could have used a few more hours of sleep...
Yeah, you get used to everything, but... gees, I love Hawaii's warm waters!
This is the first photo of Napoli. Dad told me that lately a book inspired lovers to put a lock with their name somewhere in town as a sign of commitment to eternal love.
I think it's soooo romantic... I couldn't resist and put one with Sharon's name on it...
By the way Sharon, don't forget to stop and add a name of a guy on it, next time you go to Naples!
What a brilliant symbolism, uh? I know too many people stuck in their relationships like if they were locked in them. And these guys even put a real lock... like what?!? Hoping that one day they will get stuck in it?!???
I'm sorry, my brain is too limited for that... I just can't get it...
Watching this water mellon in a window at the Gran Caffe' La Caffettiera (the one with a perfectly working wireless router, but without a modem cable attached, hence useless) I wondered:
1) how do you cut it like that?
2) how do you eat it now?
These billboards are dangerous... at least if I am the one driving!
I just can't make up my mind and choose my favorite between the one in the middle and the one on the right.
Actually, I wouldn't mind both... I'll go put two locks... you never know!
Let's see what you guys (and girls) think about it:
By the way, as a confirmation of what I wrote, I just heard on the news that in average every day in Italy 15 people die in car accidents...
The reasons to blame are:
- lack of respect of road rules
- poor status of the roads
- drugs and alcohol
Too bad they didn't say the related percentage. My guess is that 80% is caused by the first reason.
That's why I laugh at people who are scared by sharks. Let me throw you these statistics of year 2003 (the only one I know) again:
- number of people killed by sharks worldwide: 4
- number of ppl killed in car accidents worldwide: 1.3 millions
And, in case that wasn't enough, I just learned how many sharks are killed by humans every year: 73 millions. Most of which, just for the fins that seem to be particularly appreciated (specially in east Asia).
Excuse me if I express my thought once again: the human species sucks!
5am. The quality of this photo is rather poor, but I like the light anyway.
Saturday I went on a windsurfing trip with my old windsurfing buddies. We drove more than 200 km to the Adriatic sea to a spot called Termoli, because moderate NW wind was forecasted in that area. As usual, we didn't find it (the wind), but at least I could catch a few beach break waves and I even had some fun!
I forgot how frustrating windsurfing can be in Italy...
BTW, I always tell my surfing students not to look down on the board at any moment. Check where I'm looking on this late backside takeoff... pathetic!
Sunday morning 6am sun. I love this shot. Check the colors and that bird.
A little less zoom and it's not that impressive anymore... still nice, though.
Piscator' 'ru mar' 'e pusillec' (Posillipo fisherman).
Satellite TV is big in Italy. This photo makes me think about the amount of electro-magnetic fields we live in. Scary...
This is the smallest pile of garbage I've seen so far in this trip. I saw some as big as a train...
For some reason, garbage collection in Naples always seems to be a huge problem. Maybe because we produce too much... maybe we should learn how to reuse stuff...
The fact that they left it there and not in the garbage collection bin that was 30 yards/meter away didn't help either, I guess...
And this photo was taken in one of the richest hence supposingly most educated neighborhood of the town...
Wild haired niece.
Procida: interesting mooring technique.

Oh, btw, the title is this product that I would have needed this morning, instead of walking around with the computer open like one of those guys searching for water with a Y stick...
Many thanks to the unaware wireless network provider. For years I've been providing free wireless access with my router in Paia and Kuau, before being forced to enforce security by a unacceptable decrease of performance. So, I don't feel like I'm stealing... I'm just getting my karma bandwidth back...
Sounds like you are having a better time now, your parents seem to have a pretty good view.....
....now those girls.....a foursome maybe?
nice post GP. Middles girls are always better, you should know that! You just can't take pics of them cause we're too far away ;-)
oh, the southside is apparently going off, but I may aswell be in Italy for all the good it's doing me ;-(
never mind, they'll be plenty more.
a foursome would be a killer option...
Literally, since I think I would likely die... but hey, what a way to go!
you're right... the girls at Middles are pretty good... but in the case of the photo, I think I would be so indecise that I would spend the whole session paddling in the channel between middles and pavillions without catching any wave...
The near sighted neoprene ninja look suits you and as for the lock-bring it home & I’ll show a much better way to use it for romantic symbolism!
Your photos are great, the fishing boat is my fave and didn’t they film Il Postino around Procida?
Perhaps if you get a divining rod & a keychain wireless network detector they will lead you Calzedonia and while your there pick me up a little something wouldya :-) (and I don't mean Miss Hookipa)!
Happy to see you’re on da woda and nice try but don’t be such a slacker next time-walk the 30 yards!
you crack me up. I bet none of the Hoo girls has the same sense of humor that you have...
And that's a shame, 'cause it means that I would have no chances with any of them if I ever meet them... :-)
Yes, the scenes at the restaurant where M.G. Cucinotta worked were filmed in Procida.
If next time you'll come with me, I'll even show it to you... and you can even put a lock on it if you like!
Make sure nobody is inside though. Or, if M.G. is still there, make sure you lock me inside with her...
Better brush up on your fussball then, just in case :-)
Approposito, Gregg is an ex-champ, perhaps he can give you a few tips!
well, I reckon my sense of humour is pretty good, and I am a middles girl .... but I still wouldn't sleep with you ;-)
Yo Cammar,
interesting your Italy trip, shocking what you tell about the Italian mentality, my experience is rather different: “german” Italians are friendly and relaxed, 10 years ago I intended to hitchhiked with a friend to nice weather countries and ended up in Toscani, relaxed and friendly people there as well; worked for a flower wholesaler in the Netherlands and had some Italian clients, loved their mentality, worked for a american idiot telephone service company called A.C.N. with Italian clients, man, they were really cool, especially if I compare them they german clients, who were bloody stressy. True, people from the Naples area were a little rougher, but still way cooler than for example clients from Germany and much more tolerant towards my in the beginning truly poor Italian, that had to become more poor due to not using it.
Never heard something like “first learn Italian, before…” like other non native german speakers heard from german clients. When I went to Amsterdam to relax from the uncool germans, I meet Italians and they were relaxed, loved their easier ways about life…
Shocking what you tell about their attitude towards economy, if that’s true, no wonder that I can’t find a job on Sardegna …
More convincing what you tell about at least for those Americans who voted for that bloody bastard of a president, who finally f^&*%ed up the image of the “country of the free”. What a joke, although not funny at all! Hopefully they vote different next time! No need to continue the cold war that way anymore!
‘right, what about the iban number of your Dad’s bank account, as I am not consuming to much energy, the local electricity company had to pay back, will be enough for a rockin’ under 80 litres board ( will take till end of the year to find one, I’m afraid!), some support for your blog business and a Unicef donation. If they are spending the money on Burundi, I just can hope the Burundi people stay there creating something there, instead of coming to Europe to fuck poor Chris with bullshit greenery, like they do here since two years, they are just getting to quickly used to European or western world mentality! To buy Nike shoes and shit…, do not have to talk about where these ideas are coming from, Africans seams to love TV and I should go back to the Netherlands to enjoy a painless life…
Your Ninja look..,well, you are spoiled, I look like that since October. Well, it will keep my ears save from forward tries, like you say…attitude is everything!
The looooovely Italian girls… sure they are my new desktop pic, the choice is difficult, though about the Middles one, but they are all three so sweet, love their bikinis, too, hopefully not Gucci shit!
The litter on the street, man, in Belgium they don’t even have litter bins outside the house, they keep it inside, my toy storage room is a stinking dump, if you put it outside the neighbours are calling the police…
Enjoy your trip… lots of kerosene to see your mother, that thinks like mine towards foreign people, haven’t visit them since two years!
Yo Cammar,
interesting your Italy trip, shocking what you tell about the Italian mentality, my experience is rather different: “german” Italians are friendly and relaxed, 10 years ago I intended to hitchhiked with a friend to nice weather countries and ended up in Toscani, relaxed and friendly people there as well; worked for a flower wholesaler in the Netherlands and had some Italian clients, loved their mentality, worked for a american idiot telephone service company called A.C.N. with Italian clients, man, they were really cool, especially if I compare them they german clients, who were bloody stressy. True, people from the Naples area were a little rougher, but still way cooler than for example clients from Germany and much more tolerant towards my in the beginning truly poor Italian, that had to become more poor due to not using it.
Never heard something like “first learn Italian, before…” like other non native german speakers heard from german clients. When I went to Amsterdam to relax from the uncool germans, I meet Italians and they were relaxed, loved their easier ways about life…
Shocking what you tell about their attitude towards economy, if that’s true, no wonder that I can’t find a job on Sardegna …
More convincing what you tell about at least for those Americans who voted for that bloody bastard of a president, who finally f^&*%ed up the image of the “country of the free”. What a joke, although not funny at all! Hopefully they vote different next time! No need to continue the cold war that way anymore!
‘right, what about the iban number of your Dad’s bank account, as I am not consuming to much energy, the local electricity company had to pay back, will be enough for a rockin’ under 80 litres board ( will take till end of the year to find one, I’m afraid!), some support for your blog business and a Unicef donation. If they are spending the money on Burundi, I just can hope the Burundi people stay there creating something there, instead of coming to Europe to fuck poor Chris with bullshit greenery, like they do here since two years, they are just getting to quickly used to European or western world mentality! To buy Nike shoes and shit…, do not have to talk about where these ideas are coming from, Africans seams to love TV and I should go back to the Netherlands to enjoy a painless life…
Your Ninja look..,well, you are spoiled, I look like that since October. Well, it will keep my ears save from forward tries, like you say…attitude is everything!
The looooovely Italian girls… sure they are my new desktop pic, the choice is difficult, though about the Middles one, but they are all three so sweet, love their bikinis, too, hopefully not Gucci shit!
The litter on the street, man, in Belgium they don’t even have litter bins outside the house, they keep it inside, my toy storage room is a stinking dump, if you put it outside the neighbours are calling the police…
Enjoy your trip… lots of kerosene to see your mother, that thinks like mine towards foreign people, haven’t visit them since two years!
Bullshit, this virtual stuttering again. Sorry!
see? Your humor is too ahead even for me... I completely missed the fussball joke.
Meesh, what can I say... it makes me sorry to know that friends miss out of something really good... ;-)
I could (and should!) write a book about italians. What I'm mentioning here are only a few aspects. The ones that impress me more every time I come back for me yearly trip.
I may write a more extended post on the subject, so stay tuned.
BTW, being relaxed and tolerant is not in contrast with the lack of respect for the community... actually they kind of go together if you think about it. The abuses of the road rules I'm witnessing these days (you guys have no idea...) are a perfect example. Only an extreeeemely tolerant person could live in this shit.
But, is it being tolerant or not caring yourself about the road rules and breaking them too?
Anyway, this is Naples... a world apart. The last place on Earth where I would live.
I'm sure country side Toscana can be a lot better. Actually there's many places that could be a lot better. Just stay away from the big towns, that's my recommendation.
Sardegna is incredibly beautiful. Yes, too bad economy is not too strong over there.
What else?
"No need to continue the cold war that way anymore"... and you still call it "cold war"???
The bloddy bastard is about to invade Iran too. He's the only one on Earth that likes to play Risk for real... and the sad thing is that he can, because somebody voted for him... a lot of people voted for him, brah... the majority of the nation...
The imperialistic plan to conquer all the oil producing countries of that region is so clear that even a 10 year old kid would see it. Well, as long as he doesn't watch tv...
But, unfortunately, the vast majority of the citizens do watch tv and guess what... they're gonna elect another puppet like him again next time! 'Cause those bastards are pretty damn good at creating fears and threats... there's terrorists everywhere... they may be in your backyard... they are bad... we have to stop them before they act... we are good instead, 'cause we have god on our side...
Damn, I got caught on politcs again!
Better switch to check the Calzedonia bikini catalog that yesterday I got into a shop... better that Playboy magazine, you guys...
ahhhh... how can you think about making war when there's girls like those out there... maybe I should send a copy to the White House!!
dove sta di preciso sto posto dei lucchetti? mai sentito...
Hey, Giampaolo
Dropped by (electronically at least) to see what you're up to. I'm in the middle of my vintage racing tour in North America. Had excellent races at Pacific Raceway (Seattle) and road America (Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin) so far. On to VIR (Virginia) next.
My new cell phone (Nokia N95)has a wireless LAN detector built in--in fact you can use it as a Skype phone and bypass your cellphone provider. Amazing phome--first one I've ever liked, in fact the first I haven't actively HATED. It's got a great camera built in (5 megapixel, Ziess lens) very handy MP3 player with remarkably good stereo speakers, GPS and mapping with turn-by-turn navigation through the speakers, FM radio, high speed intercet connection fot my laptop and a whole lot of other capabilities, and it fits in my pocket. Really amazing. Now if they'd just make it waterproof so I could use it as a helmet cam I could give away a whole bunch of duplicated stuff.
I haven't been in the water since I left Maui. My body is already showing the result. I've got to get some exercise on this trip or I'm going to have to get bigger boards.
Have a great time my friend. Or perhaps I should say continue having a great time.
hey I just noticed what was different about you in the last shot, you brushed your hair!
I'll reply in english so everybody can understand...
People just spontaneusly start new lock clusters. That one is in Via Caracciolo. In Rome, they put so many on a road sign post that the post came down for the weight...
Hi Bill!
Glad you're having good time on the mainland. I like that you can use skype with that phone... let's hope it stays free of charge...
I got some SUP boards tests planned in June. Stay tuned...
does that change the statement in your previous comment?
If yes, can I take one of those showers afterwards?
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