The trash vortex is an area the size of Texas in the North Pacific in which an estimated 6 kilos of plastic for every kilo of natural plankton, along with other slow degrading garbage swirls slowly around like a clock, choked with dead fish, marine mammals, and birds who get snared.
Wonna know more? Read this.
You're a lazy bastard and don't want to click on that link? Here's a quote for you:
Many seabirds and their chicks have been found dead, their stomachs filled with medium sized plastic items such as bottle tops, lighters and balloons. A turtle found dead in Hawaii had over a thousand pieces of plastic in its stomach and intestines. It has been estimated that over a million sea-birds and one hundred thousand marine mammals and sea turtles are killed each year by ingestion of plastics or entanglement.
Don't believe it? Watch this.
Wonna do something about it? Stop buying plastic if you can. Start reusing it. PLEASE!
The other day I taught a guy how to surf. It was probably the most touching lesson I ever gave. Because the guy had only one arm.
He lost one arm in a farming accident when he was two years old, and that helped, in the sense that he was used to do everything with only one hand.
I told him about Bethany Hamilton and how she still rips after she lost her arm. Check her out, she's amazing!
But Bethany knew how to surf before... that guy didn't!
I gave him a 12 footer to make everything as "easy" as possible. On land we figured a technique for standing up. In the water we figured how to paddle straight. And then it was time for him to go for his first wave. I pushed him down a wave and... he stood up half way and fell off the side... which is the average outcome of the first attempt anyway.
He paddled back out. I pushed him on another wave and there he went... he stood up and rode it all the way in.
I couldn't stop a tear...
After two hours he was able to:
- catch waves by himself
- switch to an 11 footer
- turn the board and ride the wave going to the side
All of the above is way above the average outcome of a first surf lesson of a two armed student...
Wife and three kids, vice-president of don't know what kind of company... that's a hell of a guy! Not a whiner, that's for sure...
I, instead, am about to whine about my poor, two-arms surfing performance. Last thursday I surfed a spot that gets the the NE windswell.
It was head high, fun and with 3-4 people out... too bad that I horribly sucked. I don't know any other sport that requires so much continuity to stay at the same level. It's unbelievable what a couple of weeks without paddling (bloody windsurfing all the times, not even couch potatoing!!) can do...
The two guys who had their gear confiscated at Hookipa, had to pay a fine of $80 each to got their stuff back. They've been told that the maximum penalty for infringing a rule like that, can be up to $1000 and 30 days in jail.
I'm not crazy about halloween parties, but when Friday I received a text message saying:"tonight orange party at my house", I thought if I had anything orange to wear... mmm, not really... wait a moment! I do have something orange! My old 4.7 Superfreak!
It's the sail of my one and only action photo on a magazine (other than Windnews, of course). Even though it's old and beat up I never wanted to get rid of it... and now I know why!
Here's the photos of another party I went to Saturday.
Clearly I didn't buy any of the pieces of my costume... all reused stuff. Please do the same if you're going to a costume party. Our stupid costumes are not worth the life of an animal...
If you still believe what they told you about 9/11, here's a couple of movies you can watch for free on the internet:
Loose change
I haven't seen the second one yet... I don't think I need that...
All right, and after all this shit somebody has to clean up...
hahaha so funny !!!!
see http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/
you look a bit like king neptunes of the garbage land :D
Check what Ola did on the Superfreak forum...
Nice photos GP, I liked the Surf Patrol, did they give you mouth to mouth later in the evening?
LOL @ Ulli as a nun!
ciao cammar!sono yebba e seguo il tuo sito quasi tutte le sere!è fatto bene e l'invidia per il luogo dove vivi e come vivi è tanta ma tu te la sei creata e hai fatto bene!io,per il momento,ci vengo in ferie quando posso!quest'anno arriverò li il 23/12 fino allo 08/01/08!sarò a Paia in luna place,la via di fronte al livewire cafè! ora ci sono già la alcuni miei amici che staranno a maui fino a gennaio! beati loro! mahalo and aloha!
no surf rescue needed, but I tried to sneak in the nest of that jail-bird...
I lived three years in Luna place... numero 26.
ciao giampaolo sono yebba da ravenna italia!grazie per avermi risposto! free as a dog! volevo dirti che l'indirizzo è esattamente luna place 26 nella casa di Cinzia,la ragazza di roma! aloha man spero di incontrarti a paia! sempre che tu non venga in italia in quel periodo! ciao
ciao giampaolo sono yebba da ravenna italia!grazie per avermi risposto! free as a dog! volevo dirti che l'indirizzo è esattamente luna place 26 nella casa di Cinzia,la ragazza di roma! aloha man spero di incontrarti a paia! sempre che tu non venga in italia in quel periodo! ciao
Thanks Giampaolo. Yours is the closest thing to living Hawaiian style anywhere on the net. Also good to see those movie links. Most of the people I know want so much to disbelieve in the government, they won't even watch those movies. It's like Bush refusing to watch Gore's global warming film. Hey, watching doesn't hurt You may be shocked eh?
Mystery Bob
Couldn't edit. I meant believe; not disbelieve. Thanks, Bob
'Roller girl' looked handy as well!
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