Well, looks like I actually had two photos in me... whatcha think?

Four days in a row of surfing on the south shore, with more south swells lined up for next week...
A super fun wave sailing session at Hookipa, with slightly onshore 5.0 steady wind, instead of the usual ugly 4.5 super gusty summer trades...
God, I'm loving this summer!
I must agree! This summer over all has been as good as I can remember. The south shore action we have had so far has turned this season into a success with some monumental days.It's hard not to surf well and improve when conditions are as good as I've experianced over there .Definantly worth the journey!
I didn't wave sail at Hookipa on Friday(There were TOO many surfers out when I drove by)I chose another spot close by and scored the best wave sailing so far this season.We are truely blessed! Aloha,Olaf
Oh, thank god somebody who is aware of how lucky we are in Maui...
There's a category called the Maui whiners that I just can't stand!
Keep the stoke up Olaf, we got plenty more south swells on the way... in particular, I predict a big one on July 14-17...
Not too much swell please GP, we arrive on Friday, so some nice little flat sections at Kanaha will be nice to easy our way into Maui life for three weeks! See you in da carpark!
No worries Lano, I was meaning south swells...
The north shore will be flat as a lake, unless an out of season weird fetch of wind sets up out of the NW or NE like it just happened.
In any case, Kanaha will be just fine...
See you soon!
Hey GP,
what is your choice of weapon (camera / lens wise)
Hi Rick,
my camera is a SONY Cybershot DSCH1.
I'm still amazed by the quality of the photos that a point and shoot camera like that can take. It has a 12x optical zoom that can get to 24x with the digital zoom.
The new Sony's have now 15x optical zoom and other brands 18x or 20x. Check this one, for example.
I thought many times to get a better one, but what I really love about my camera is the size/weight. It stays as a fixed item in my backpack. I would hate the additional bag, lenses and stuff that a better camera would introduce in my world...
So far so good, we'll see in the future...
Hey Cammar, what is your email address? A group of us are coming to Maui at the beginning of August and I had a few questions to ask you. Thanks!
Hi Andrew,
look on the right of the main blog page where it says:"email me to advertise on this blog"... click that.
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