Way too windy for me, I got in the water at 5.20 and sailed till 6.20. Clearly the last 20 minutes were my favorite. Just schlog and surf on a 72l board and a brightly colored 4.0... I'm definitely becoming a dusk sailor.
I like the symmetry of the sails in this photo.
Lil backwind ride.
Thanks to my buddy Maurizio who is visiting from Italy and took the photos (and cooked a delicious dinner last night). He's using a very old 4.7 of mine and he says that the sail works great! One more advantage of the Superfreaks: they last much longer than monofilm/xply sails.
Talking about Superfreaks, here's again the page with the description of the Freak and Meet event that will take place Sunday April 26th.
(Please let me know if everyone can open that page no problem). If you have a Superfreak, make sure you don't miss out and please tell the other fellow superfreakers at the beach. Should be fun.
This below is blog reader Matt from Oregon who hired me to film him while sailing. Unfortunately it was cloudy, but there were waves at Lowers...
Every time I film someone down the line, I learn something. Videos like this will get better and better... keep me busy you guys!
This blog had a great start of the week: 1,140 unique visitors on Monday and 1,377 on Tuesday. Thanks to everyone for tuning in.
Current advertising prices for a banner: $50/month, or $45/month if you order 3 to 5 months upfront, or $40/month if you order 6 months or more upfront.
Current prices for a one line text link: $20/month or $15/month if you order 6 months or more upfront.

This afternoon (Wednesday) the forerunners of a new NW swell will arrive.
The NW buoy is showing 2 feet at 17 seconds from 330 at 6am. Only half foot at the Waimea buoy. I can foresee another dusk session.
The really big news though, is that after Thursday the wind will die for quite a few days. That will be the end of an incredibly long stretch of wind and (some kind of) waves. Can't be bothered to go check the archives, but I'd say at least one month of consistently decent wave sailing conditions. Whoever chose to come in vacation in the last month should be stoked, just like all the windsurfing brands that successfully had their photoshoot in Maui.
To both, see you guys next year.
Oh, almost forgot. No wind but long lasting N swell this weekend...
Next time you shoot someone sailing, don't use your wide angle goPro. Better field of view for a subject who's 20+ feet from you. ;-)
Can I hire you to advertise me for a month at $50? Mind you being a Yorkshire lass, I only pay if I get results!!!!
Hi David,
the new wide angle camera takes such a better quality videos that it's better than the old ones even for shooting someone else.
Said this, I wonder if the NEW non wide angle have improved the quality too... I'll send them an email.
OK Anne,
better send me a good banner! ;)
Loved the video!
you gotta have a long neck to put ones head in front of the luff and films whilst sailing. Good job luffing the sail and shooting him while just surfing the wave.There's one sequence while you are in the water filming where a little water drop obscures the rider the whole sequence ...that must have peeved yuou off when reviewing , what a rough break!
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