Yesterday (day 3), I surfed the reefs in the Canggu area again (Echo beach). When I got out of the water a photographer waved at me and said:"I got some photos of you!"
I gave him a few bucks and here we go.
This wave is particularly mellow, but still fun.

This other one has a little more punch, but I would still rank it pretty mellow (unless it's big). Chico and Petra, I got good news for you...

Canggu has been good to me and has offered a perfect easy introduction to the Indo waves. But this morning (day 4) I was ready to move on and left the room where I spent the first four nights. You think it's basic? Wait until you see the Ulu Watu one...
BTW, the 6.10 Kazuma is out of the bag because I decided to leave it with the landlord (I'll pick it up again at the end of the trip). Every single person I spoke to before leaving told me to bring at least two boards. Against my gut feeling, I did take two boards and hated from the very beginning the weight of the board bag.
In the first 4 days I only surfed my 6.6, but the main reason why I'm dropping the 6.10 is in the next photo...

This is the real "Drifter" bike. Two boards would have not fit. And even if they did, the weight on the side would have been too much, hence dangerous. Notice the scooter GoPro mount.

You got to be kidding me.

This is my new room in Ulu Watu. No bathroom, no nothing other than the bed...

... but a hell of a view!!!

Read what the wave finder says about Thomas homestay (better click on the photo) and you'll see why I picked it.
These things are everywhere. They are offerings to god. Whatever god they believe in...
Don't let me start ranting about religions...

Excuse my back.

Weird little mini half shrimp half maggot creatures.

Not sure about the meaning of this photo. I'll leave it to you guys...

Yes. The very surf-focused solo traveller can also relax.
Not true, just waiting for the right tide.

Fishermen boats go out at Ulu Watu. Waves were small, that's why I chose it as a first day. There were still some head high sets and all that people sitting at race tracks (see wave finder page below) were quite aggressively after them. I didn't like the vibe at all and went all the way to the left to surf the point.
Caught a few quasi-close outs almost by myself, but it wasn't really lining up.
Take mental note of the tide.

Here's the description of the world famous spot. I confess that going down the steps to that famous cave I felt a bit nervous.
I got in the water at 3pm with the tide still pretty high. I wasn't really having too much fun, but I did try for a couple of hours. Around 5 something I decided that I had enough and I paddled back towards the cave and Race tracks. The crowd had gone down a lot (so had the tide) and I caught quite a few super fun ones. The sunset was a classic Indo one that I saw so many times in surf movies. Last 20 minutes it was me and another (nice) guy. The quality of the waves and the one of the vibe both contribute to make a good session.
Where did all the water go???

Tomorrow should be kinda flat before a new swell hits. I don't think I need to recommend you to stay tuned. But I do feel like recommending you to share these posts with your friends. Please do for me the facebook sharing job that I can't be bothered to do.
As I told Ulli and Michelle lately, I don't like to post my stuff on facebook because it's mostly a place to brag with your friends...
I'm way beyond that. I brag with the world! :)
Bliss central when you let your passions lead the way. Your happiness comes shining through and I can't wait for the scooter cam report!
You're obviously having a great time but I'm afraid a room sans bathroom would not do for me. I have to confess the infestation of half-bug-half-shrimp is not up my street either. However, the view is magnificent - you're not bad either.
GP, Its great being able to see you experiencing Bali and all its glory for the first time. It is such a unique place in so many ways. Brings back a flood of memories for me. Keep up the great posts!
Whats with the gas bottle in your room GP? You cooking those maggot larvae for midnight snacks? Are you going to get over to Nusa Lembongan? Shipwrecks, Lacerations, Playgrounds? Stayed there in 96, great time!
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