Here's an amazing clip entirely shot with the GoPro.
Here's a long barrel by Jamie O'brien.
And here's Kelly destroying Restaurants, which is by far my favorite clip of the bunch since we see some turns... and what turns!
Here are some nice surfing photos.
And after all this beauty, how do I dare posting a photo of myself?

Thanks Harry Wievel. The other shots in this gallery.
That was August 5th. Probably one of the last days with decent waves at Hookipa.
South shore was fun Friday, and I have a little secret project for Tuesday...
PS. I received an email with the content of a letter that has been sent to the Maui News. Here's what it said.
FYI, There is a 6-story medical plaza building planed to be built in Kahului right next to the Kanaha Pond nature reserve.
letter sent to the editor, Maui News:
Medical center madness.
How can the Maui County planning commission allow a six story medical to be built next to the Kanaha Pond in Kahului?. The Maui Medical Plaza at Kanaha, is a planned six-story building with a five-story, 300-plus vehicle parking garage on the edge of Kanaha wetlands. It is out of place and will be a virtual skyscraper dwarfing every building in Kahului and block views from every direction. Why place a high rise structure next to the open space of the Kanaha pond wetland?.
All the surrounding buildings in that area are two stories high, and the Kahului skyline is relatively unblemished, with views of Haleakala and west Maui mountains.
Driving by Kanaha pond you can still enjoy its natural beauty and appreciate it, perhaps we take Maui’s vistas and visual appeal for granted and forget how important it is.
A 6 story medical plaza, is way too big for this location, and is so out of keeping with any other development in the area, it is absolutely mind boggling how the county would allow it.
How was this development granted a permit that will allow the creation of an eyesore of such magnitude? It will be a visible from every point in the central valley. This would be one of the tallest structures on Maui (except for the county building, and the hospital) and will be the same height as a major hotel. There are so many other places that would be more suitable for this project where it could be among other taller buildings, where it would not have such a negative impact. For example in Wailuku.
What is surprising is that there seems to have been no consideration for the visual impact that this project will have. Where were the public displays of this proposed development? Where were the artist’s impressions of the finished project for the public to see? Shouldn’t the developer be required to make this information public? This project affects every resident of Maui, and we will all have to live with the negative visual impact for the life of the building, 30-50years or maybe more. The planning commission is responsible for stopping developments that go against the public interest. This development deprives the public of their right to an unobstructed view and right to be protected from irresponsible development like this. It will change the look of Maui forever, it will change our views forever, it will be our shame forever. Every persons view will be diminished and the character of Kahului, and the natural areas surrounding the Kanaha pond will be irreparably lost forever. What about the EIS and the SMA? Did they consider these impacts either? The county should not let this happen.
Fortunately it has not been built yet, so the county should put an immediate moratorium to allow time for public input. The residents of Maui have a right to vote on whether this development should be allowed in this area. The Kanaha pond nature reserve and wildlife sanctuary is in the public trust, so every resident has an interest in protecting this area and maintaining the natural beauty of this area, and has a right to say whether they approve of this project. There should be a public meeting and a proper process to determine whether this project is akamai and pono, or whether it should be relocated to a more suitable location.
Re: new medical building~
Right in the flight path of runway 23-5, smart, very smart.
talk about turns, thought you'd like to see this little KS 2010 re-cap. The J-Bay #6 ride has some amazing turns.
also in the path of any major tsunami... It's amazing that airport (the only emergency way off the island), the sewage treatment plant, and the next medical building are all ocean-side on one of the most tsunami vulnerable shorelines in the world. Way to think it through.
also in the path of any major tsunami... It's amazing that airport (the only emergency way off the island), the sewage treatment plant, and the next medical building are all ocean-side on one of the most tsunami vulnerable shorelines in the world. Way to think it through.
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