Sorry guys, I've been blogging full time since 2005, it looks like I need a break. Blogging for me has always been fun. All of the hundreds of posts I did were inspired by a pure will of sharing the stoke. Where did that go all of a sudden? I have no idea...
I think I need some motivation. I disabled the comment moderation (that means that you can leave a comment and it will show up immediately without me having to approve it). If you feel like, leave a comment and try to motivate me to go back blogging. I won't guarantee you that I will, but I thought it might help... maybe!
In the meantime, since I hate posts without a photo, here's a shot of Jason Polakow bottom turning into a massive Cloudbreak wave.

Aah, you can't stop just like that. There are far too many suckers out here that are dependent upon your blog. I've read it for some years now and without it, I would probably not have done the trip to Maui I'll soon embark on. I guess that your blog keeps up the dream of living another life (even though many do not really want to realize that dream - or so they think). Such dreams give us some perspective on life which is important. So, please keep it up.
Yeah, Cammar, keep it up!!!
What shit of life would we have, we need the emotion of finding another of your fantastic beach bum photos...
Yes!! Please continue with your work. I live on Maui and can't wait for daily updates!!
Hi monsieur, i realy like what you try to share with us on your blog.. I m just back on Maui 3days ago, i follow the Maui news since 2 years from you. I wanted to let you know that i appreciate to follow the news by you, the other night you were too focus to choice you cereal at mana's food lol !! And didn't let you know.
Please don't stop the famous/windsurfblog
Cereals selection at Mana foods is a very serious business... I'm a cereal killer! :)
Thanks for the prompt comments everyone.
Hey Giampaolo! If you wanted to share the stoke - mission accomplished! Thanks a lot for doing that and giving us insights on whats happening on Maui. I´ve been reading most of it, the best was the story about you coming to the island! Should you go on? Only if you feel like doing so just for yourself. If it´s only cause your readers like their daily wind/wave report and bum pic - I think not. If you have a story to tell, you´ll start again anyway, I guess. Thanks again and cheers from Germany!
either do it because you want to or not, dont do it just so some people give you attention and are like " Please Giampaolo you the best person ever please do the blog."
When I am not on Maui, I miss the valley Isle sooo much! When here in Switzerland the weather is cold and grey and that I look at the ducks and swans on a desesperataly flat Geneva lake, I need your blog to bring me bits of sunshine and waves. Please don't give-up! we need you...
aloha and mahalo
Pls pls pls continue blogging.
Poor souls like me who windsurfs always worships life in Maui. It is the Heaven on Earth. And you are the angel to spread the message from heaven!
I hope you are going to continue your good work, I really enjoy your post and it's part of my diet and good for my mind. I think with your sense of humour, good choice of wording, honesty and super colorful picture(read tiny bikini as well) of the day...I don't need a shrink. However, I understand if you want to stop...hope not!
hi mate, that is another sad news of the day. A BIG THANK YOU for sharing your blog with us, I was inspired to start my own blog after reading yours, and encouraged by what you write, I have more courage taking up surfing. Whichever way you go, mate, your decision will always be respected. THANK YOU, BIG HUGS!
Jo (from Oz)
Hey GP!
I, for purely selfish reasons, would like to see you continue sharing your island life with us.
Along with many others, I harbour the dream of moving to the island permanently - probably not something you longtime residents want to hear, eh?! ;-)
Please keep an eye open for that lost mojo ... you have an audience out here, waiting for you to return, when you're ready!
Much aloha from Canada!
just want to say thanks for all of the blogging you've done in the past. It's been a joy to read.
No worries ladies and gentlemen, GP is just metabolizing the massive food intake of the past weeks in Italy. He will be back stronger than ever :)
are you kidding!?
My kids are sick my wife is mad, there is no wind and no waves here, maybe if we swiched lifes you´d be motivated, PLEASE, SOME OF US NEED IT...
Followed your life since first reading a letter from you on a windsurf mag many years ago,
thank for sharing that dream, I had one too and reached it as well!!
hope to see some ups once in a while, if not keep it alive!
steve jobs passes away, GP stops blogging - what else?
So here's the deal... take it from me, retired life for a wave sailor is expensive. For a guy with so many interests as you... well... before you know it you could be a bum and featured on some young women's blog!
Put a paypal button up, one click equals .10 us. According to your stats you could be quite wealthy. That way you won't be a beggar and we won't have to be choosers! See you in a few weeks...
ps now what about your 'other' blog?
desde argentina sigo el blog a diario.
I am checking your blog several times a day - keeps my mind in Maui and not in cold Sweden - so keep it up when inspiration returns.
Fuck little italian wave junky! You can't stop that's all! I take a look @ ur blog at least once a week now & everytime i hope for some news....ahhhhh nothing, where has he gone??????
Giampaolo, please don't stop! U can't update avery day for sure all year long....but make some rules yours! I mean, for example, one update a week is reasonnable, and sufficient for us! c'mon you live what a lot of us are dreaming of (even if it's not as perfect in reality as in dreams, it's for sure really near). You've made a great thing with this blog, great achievment, don't let it die.
BTW, if you're really bored of blogging, just live your life & enjoy!
BTW2 RIP iSteve
Weip i was thinking that you went to the hospital whit all that cakes and stuff.(just kiring)
I now wat you men,i also have a blog and the last few months i didnt post nating.maby the facebook is the guilt.Well,to finish I love our blog.
Um Abraço from Azores.
P.S.Sorry my inglish.
Thinking your stint in Italy should be enough to put it all back into perspective all over again! There's got to be an upcoming piece of equipment in need of review, an upcoming silhouette to attract your male (read: camera) attention, an upcoming situation needing your audience's interest, an upcoming moment needing some sharing, a... ... ...
Winter is starting, hope the waves get your inspiration juices flowing again soon!
I thought something was up, since I check in often,and haven't seen any updates. My guess was that you were rethinking the whole maui lifestyle experience, once you got home, or else you met a woman.
Its good to read and see whats happening in Maui.I enjoy comparing betweeen you and home.It must be hard to share your private life ,but keep serving it up .
maybe its the bocconcini cheese , maybe its the pizza napoli, i dunno......
take a break, sometimes things get in a'll be back in some way shape or form.
but still enjoyed your blog and then making the connection , by seeing you in maui at kanaha on the road or at the rental shop.... you are an ambassador.
Everyone just relax... He's surfing and reflecting on recent incidents... Blog is on on a temporary leave of absence... Just carry on and before you know it will be back in some form or another.
Well don´t do it if you don´t like it. But i have enjoyed your posts for a long time and often find the discussion you bring up a lot more interesting than reading JP interview number 245619.. on fins..
Thanks for your blog so far, it´s been motivating me to go out sailing during the winter months in Iceland.
Hah, there's me hoping to see Jason's bottom but not a sign of it (or your picture's too small) your photos usually do "what it says on the tin" but, for me, not in this instance.
Why not have a rest and then return to us all? Your fan club obviously want you:-)
Good luck Cammer! I love your blog and follow it for years. As windsurfing/tech blogger myself I think I know how you feel and why you need a break. Its hard to maintain a blog and such popular and demanding blog as yours is even harder. Best wishes, Roni
Aren't you flattered by all these comments? Well, you should!
Best blog around, I usually check it everyday; and I have seen food pictures for weeks now... lol Yeah, put up a $.10 donation button. I would donate multiple times a week.
Keep it up!
When something changes from being a passion to a chore, find a new passion.
That being said, I'll really miss this blog is you give it up.
Please do not stop the blog! I'm sure once you start again the inspiration will flow.
This is one of my favourite blogs of all time, and I visited Maui twice partly because of it.
Get out on the water, have some fun, and write about it!
It will be really sad if you stop blogging. Been reading it for years. I go to Maui once a year for 6 weeks and through your blog Ive really got insights into the real maui. both from a surfing point of view as well as from just living on the island. I hate feeling ike a tourist and with the help of your blog that "tourist layer" is much thinner and many times the layer is not even there. Much with the help of your blog.
Just a bunch of thanks for sharing mch of your life and thinking and all the great posts through the years.
I just regret I didn't say it before.
Good luck!
/The Swede
This is like oxygen for me.
See you on Maui GP,
Giampa' torna stu Blog aspetta a te!!!
Grazie per quello che ci hai fatto fino ad oggi.
I have to agree with one of the anonymouses that said, "you must have met a woman. And she probably told you "no more 'you've been duck dived' photos".
I know that would take the wind out of my sails, but it's not all about you!
We need our "you've been ducked dived" photos!!!!
Pleeeeeeeease continue with the blogging.
Hope you will post sometimes, even if less often. It's hard to travel to maui often, and awesome to see your perspective. Whatever you do though, keep riding waves and have fun!
Do not stop blogging!
Your blog inspired my first trip to Maui and everytime I read it I have a smile on my face, especially when I reach the "beach photos" ;-).
Please don't stop!
Hi Giampaolo!
I was wondering whats going on here, no more posts and Pictures.I wish you are going to continue your good work. I read your blog four times the Week .I live on the Coast in Germany and I really enjoy your news far away from the wonderful Island Maui.So,.. if you need help for your blog, no Problem :-). Please keep it up, and please some more Bikine Pics ;-) Aloha Torsten
We need you man... all right - if you don't feel like it - then stop. Totally understand. But you have great talent for it, and even though I live on the Maui North Shore - I still read your blogs all the time. It's fun, entertaining, and on point. You would be missed greatly if you did stop. Ciao - Alex
Your blog has been my virtual Maui - thx. It will be great if you quit blogging. That will get me off the damn keyboard and on a flight to Maui!
Good luck with your next adventure - wherever in the world that may be!
common man! it's not that your blog will change the world... or is a full time job... or people will die if you don't continue... we will manage and go on with our lives but it is fun and entertaining to read it. so keep it up, not for us readers but for yourself as well. when you write you keep yourself motivated to do something exiting and different every day and having the luxury to write about it, is a gift to us all...
I just deleted my FB account, and it feels pretty good! Do what you want, like always!
Blogging is so yesterday. Invent the next social media already! Way to go Meesh. Soo over FB. But O do like this blog!
the blog are dying as a result of social networks (faceebook). I look at your blog every week! Greetings from Concordia, ARGENTINA!
Hey man, like others here I am a Maui Addicted and already counting down the days to go till the next trip (-288 btw)!
C'mon, I know you have something better to do there, but we all got to feed our insane addiction to the Island.
Keep it going, man!
A big mahalo!!!
Giampaolo & family
Well, I for one will miss it very much if you stop the blog, but with that said...
Simple as that!
We all appreciate the effort you've put into it over the years.
Hey Camarotta you can't stop blogging about surf stoke, about passion for windsurfing and surfing!!! I have been following your stories from Fortaleza, Brasil since you began... It has been my main source of information from Maui since you began. I get to see how the pros are doing and I could just imagine how it would be to leave everything behind like you did in Italy to "live the area". You are living it, so please don't let the stoke to share go away!!! Just think of us bastards who can only go to Maui for a few days every few years!!! Keep sharing and the dream might come true for others like it did for you.
Cheers and keep ripping,
Please continue
Surf porn like "today we surfed there and there, waves were like this and like that, there were profs and beginners on the water, the wind was strong and light, somebody got injured, I did three aerials and three backloop attempts, got washmachined twice, here are some ladies" - what more a surfer can wish haha
Please scrap the popup ads - one just popped up from the blog
GP - enjoy the rest and come back soon. And next time you decide to stop blogging, can you check with Jeff over at Maui Windsurfing blog first? I can't take it when you are both not blogging
Hey GP,
Thanks for all the stoke! Hope to see you back, but if not good luck in what ever you do. I'll be on the island again this year maybe I'll see you at Hi Tech, or better still on a wave!
Hi GP..
Four years ago I had the opportunity of traveling to Maui.. I still can recall the atmosphere, the scents, that open airport.. the light. A couple of hours later, and after a very long trip I was in Kanaha seeing my very first turtle on the sea.. the first of many to come.
I’ve been lucky enough to re visit Maui two times more, lucky enough to get to know the island, to surf Hookipa, to enjoy a big swell.. to have memories for my whole life.
Five months ago I had my first baby, Simon. The most incredible experience in my whole life. The bad side of being a this is that I know that it will take a time until I’m able to go back to my personal paradise. Now with Susana and Simon. Hopefully.
I write this mail form the office in Madrid, the whether it’s still warm for being on the start of the autumn, but I’m kind of trapped here. You know.
Your blog was, for me , a windows to my best memories, a source of reminders of better times. A pleasure to enjoy.
Please, take a break, but go back blogging…
Greetings from Madrid…
Sounds like the Maui Visitors Bureau should sponsor you!
Really miss you posts. Still clicking in daily... hoping for new posts.
I love being up to date, what is happening on Maui, really miss being ther, sitting in my office looking out on a black rainy city in Denmark.
get back at your amazing job dude!
we all miss your blog!
Hey Giampa !!
that´s enough ! I give it up now I´m willing to pay.
eh no.... iu kent du det mai diar Cammar....
iu left AITI compani mèni iars ago, aim still spending most of mai laif in dis fuckin' market....
oh basta scrivere in finto inglese...
Sono Fèd, tuo "vecchio" compagno di penna su Wind News....
Prenditi qualche mese di pausa se ti va ma..... TIENI BOTTA... NON MOLLARE!!
When we leave Maui in December we're going to miss everyone we've met here soooooo much. It'll be great to read your blog and keep up to date on what the surf is up to here and hopefully you'll have a photo or two of people we know and it'll make us smile to be reminded of our good friends here in Maui :) It's been a pleasure to meet you while we've been here and I've honestly really enjoyed our brief conversations and I'm sure I'll enjoy your future blog posts if you decide to keep writing them!
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