I'll be in Italy for three weeks taking care of my injured knee. I don't expect to post much from there (slow dial up connection), so let me do this last post before I leave. It's a few assorted photos that I wanted to post since a while. Here we go. Let's have a good start with this one taken at Hookipa recently...

Same day (5 25), just a bit more surfing action.

Just like me, Micio enjoys the softness of the dacron of my Superfreak... I told you he's quite technical!

How a mistake can turn into an interesting photo.

Puamana sunset.

The only dry shorts I had in the car where this ones... I had to do a little photoshoot session at sunset. Just for your pleasure...

Sorry for your knee. :-((
Bye :-D
GP, so sorry to hear that your knee injury is taking you out of action. Please have a quick recovery, and get back to writing this blog ASAP. Thank goodness for socialized medicine. We can only hope that the doctors are less corrupt than the politicians. Arrivederci bambino. Ciao. F.
PS - nice beefcake pose. Watch out, International Male magazine might just decide to track you down with their paparazzi.
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