There we go! The new era of video posting has started. I can't believe it was so easy! There's sites on the internet that will host you videos for free. I picked one and here it is. It's a video in which I express my feelings after a remarkable double session (first standup surfing with the paddle on the north shore and then longboard sailing on the west shore later in the afternoon). It's called 'The bliss'. Please, let me know if it was too long to download and if you liked it. I took three more the same day and I need a little feedback if you want to see them... :-)
Check it out at:
Here are a couple of photos of the board that allowed me to do what I did. I try not to be attached to any objects, but in this case I just can't help it... I love it!

Your video show was astouding, techinology today is just amazing. Keep it coming! It's great water cooler comedy.
Aloha, I enjoy your blog - you've struck a nice balance of journalistic reportage and a personal diary.
I'm not so sure what to make of the format of the video blog. With you delivering right into the camera for the entire clip, basically it makes it less "journalistic" and more "personal," meaning it comces across as being more about you and less about anything else. That can be either good or bad, depending on what your readers are more interested in. Of course the blog is all about you, anyways...
If all the clips were like this one, I would probably get tired of watching them.
Besides, one of the things that I like about a blog is that it involves reading and viewing images, as opposed to watching TV, which is a different dynamic.
Another inconcenience of video reportage is that it's difficult for readers to skim or scan if they wish. We're basically stuck with consuming it serially at fixed rate from beginning to end.
I know this is WAY MORE than two cents' worth, so, just thanks for the great blog.
I prefer the maybe if you had a taroburger in your hand it'd be different..
hehe, your getting rid of your italian accent - what happened? No more ameritalian, what a shame ;)
more videos would be great - can you integrate it in the existing blog-interface or do you have to link to a different site?
Anyway... I liked you small piece, keep them short and show use some waves and mauiwaui girls.
Quite long to download, but nice to hear how sounds your voice.
IMHO shorter and just here and there in the blog.
Ciao ;)
Thanks again to all the comment-ers. Last one, what is IMHO?
I made these first two videos just because... I could. I had no idea I would have put them online. But now that I know I can, I'll try to do better (for example, editing them... I'm sure there's a sw out there).
I say wear less clothes in the next one....
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