For once, a day (actually two, since today should be similar) of break from the big waves, before yet another extra large swell will hit. It actually was a hell lot of fun to sail with perfect 4.7 wind, waist to head high waves and no fear of going on the rocks (even though I came quite close, thanks Pio for holding my board).
Photo of the day goes to Bernd, whose aerials' technique is becoming very solid.
Strict chronological order for the other ones.
Francisco Goya is one of the most smiling persons I know. Not only on land, but also and especially in the water. Here he is, he doesn't know I'm taking photos, he's not smiling at anyone in the water... he's just smiling and having a blast!

And now let's come to the title.
Sailor and blog reader Alex Bitoun sent a video of how he injured his foot on Sunday. I have been late for a hit like that hundreds of time, but it's peculiar (and quite unlucky, I'd say), how in this case the lip sneaks UNDER the board and explodes like an airbag (or a waterbag), tilting the board violently and causing the injury.
First sailor is Ferdinando, then Alex.
Here's what he said in the email: I have to say that it was awesome to see how helpful everybody was. Most guys out got out of the water to call the lifeguard, help me off the rocks etc... The lifeguards had to carry my heavy fat ass from the rocks up the hill all the way to the tower while the other sailors took down all my gear etc... Pretty cool to have such a cool group of folks around...
He hasn't done x-ray yet, hopefully it's not broken. Good luck.
BTW, yesterday he took some photos too. He's still uploading them, but here's the link.
As I mentioned at the beginning, here's yet another big storm stirring the waters of the north Pacific ocean. The related big WNW swell will hit Wednesday and last quite a few days. While Hookipa will still be too big (at least for me!), the westerly direction should make for fun size down the coast. We'll see.
Fun size out of season south swell too, starting the same day and lasting a week or so. Life is good.

I really quite enjoy your blog. Thanks for taking the time to publish it. As an aside, if you've not read Richard Dawkins, particularly his book "The God Delusion" you will enjoy his amazing writing and intellect. If your into science, as I suspect you are, you will enjoy all his books in the field of evolutinary biology.
I've known Alex for years while in Houston, glad to hear you met him. Hope his foot is ok.
And congrats for your blog, I'm always waiting for the next post!
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