I started off with a surf session. Five of us, all friends. Head high waves, not perfect, but sure fun. Then I worked for four hours at a wage that would make most employed people in the western world laugh, but is still a lot more than the wage of half of the world working population (which, in case you don't know, is 2 bucks a day!!!), and then I wave sailed up the coast and had an absolute blast.
Head to logo, sometimes mast high. 10 seconds period, not the cleanest, but very frequent and plenty to choose from. Crowd factor non existent. I was riding the with image of Boujmaa ripping Morocco in my mind. Not sure I could emulate him, but it sure felt good to try to. I had a couple of waves that made me scream of joy, all by myself. If you've ever done that, you know how special that feels.
What can I say. I feel like the luckiest/happiest man on Earth. That's good feeling.
Links. God, where should I begin? Here, absolutely random:
Here's a photo of Pascal taken by blog reader David Biddle last month. He sent it to me asking me to identify the sailors (it's me on the background). I did and contacted water photographer Francky Berthout to ask him if he had that photo of Pascal. Here's the water shot.
That is an interesting comparison and shows how freaking cool water shots are.
Back to the incredible win of Kai Lenny at Sunset beach in the SUP contest. Here's a drop and here's the video with the highlights of the last day. Big congratulations to the 17 yo.

Talking about surf contests, lately there has been one at Mavericks with some really big waves. These are some awesome shots (thanks Rick).
And this is a little clip that shows how a rogue wave created chaos between the spectators (thanks Alex).
And now a bit of conscience awareness raising.
Chef Jamie Oliver is on a mission to change the fucked up food system. He was awarded a TED price. Here's his touching speech (thanks Sharon).
While I was on the TED site, I ran into this (short) one of Doctor Dean Ornish on how today's food is killing us.
Here's a longer one on healing. I haven't even seen this one yet, but I trust him...
Yet another good one by Mark Bittman about what's wrong with what we eat.
This is the first part of a clip about the Pacific Gyre on this awesome site called vbs.tv (thanks Keith). I started looking for part two and three, but then I ran into these other shocking clips about how toxic the land around my home town Naples have become. Part one and two.
Not sure what Camorra is? Here's a guy who knows about it and in order to fight it is now in constant life danger. Haven't seen this one either, but I just feel like thanking him for what he's doing. I actually feel like thanking all the people that are trying to fight all the shit that there is in the world. I know, it's a bit of a generic thank...
"People, the power is in our hands". That's just a line from a reggae song I just heard... wish it was true. It probably is, the problem is the lack of awareness.
Internet, thanks to sites like the ones I linked, can help change things. Sure they won't talk about stuff like this on TV during the Olympics...
So, even if those clips are long, take some of the time you would spend watching usuless TV shows and invest it in learning how we are fucking up the Earth without even knowing it... thanks for reading.
Hey Giampaolo,
Liked your post and to add to that, Gommora is the name of the movie about the Cammora and it is quite depressing to watch. But I makes you appreciate more the live you live.
Hang loose!
a few years ago I tried to read Roberto Saviano's book Gomorra, but I couldn't make it to the end. I grew up there and it was way too depressing.
Ciao GP,
they say Jaws will brake big tomorrow, any chance the trades will show up for Jaws windsurfers?
if you mean Tuesday, the wind will be light, but from a good direction. So, IMO, there's a slight possibility.
Hey GP, Thanks for all the great n interesting links, I have this one to share with you.. hopefully this guy doesn't sell out or gets snuffed out by the powers that he's threatening.
C ya in the water!
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