Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Indo report days 3 and 4

The photo shows one of the many goats that free roam in the village (and in the camp) and the local fleet of fishing boats in the beautiful morning light.

Day 3 - Tuesday August 1st

As predicted, the waves were down to head high. That's still really fun, but I chose to rest because of tiredness and a hint of sore throat.
In Maui I never get sick, but in Indo I do. I believe it's a combo of too much surfing and not eating my usual healthy diet. Whatever it is, I didn't want to risk it.

Day 4 - Wednesday August 2nd
As predicted the waves were even smaller today. It would still be fun at low tide with the offshore, but the throat is doing better and I prefer to keep healing.
It should start getting bigger tomorrow afternoon.

I also finished reading the first of the 5 books that I bought for this trip: a great history book called A brief history of humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. Never been too much into history (at least the way it is taught at school), but this guy sees things from a very different perspective. I gave it a 9.2.

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