Despite the fact that the expected north swell didn't build as everybody wished, we were able to run the whole Grand Masters category (over 45). Alex Aguera won it clearly (who did I say?), but the surprise of the day was Rob Funk who, believe it or not, took second.
All the heats in this category were very interesting. A lot of good sailors. I just want to mention this japanese guy (Yoshi Hasumi) that I see all the times sailing at Hookipa and Kanaha always smiling and saying 'hi'. I found out today that he's 60 (he looks like 45-48ish) and I like him even more.
We were also able to run the Open Men remaining 16 down to the final, which will be held tomorrow. It will be Josh Stone (who did I say?) and Jesse Brown.
Third was Graham Ezzy and fourth my canadian friend Jeff Sutherland, who was absolutely stoked by his performance. You better, brah!
We tried to run the final two times, and since there were plenty judges available, I stepped out of the 'committee' to film the heat. But the wind kind of died both times and we had to postpone it to tomorrow.
I still got a few jumps, though. Thought you might appreciated them...
Way better footage of the Open Men's action can be found on Makani's blog
See you guys tomorrow.
Wait! I almost forgot a little surprise at the end. I said that I was gonna ask Josh Stone how he does those amazing one hand forward loops. And I usually do what I say I'm going to do...
My wife was appreciative of the Josh Stone interview - a true fan! She wants Levi Sivers interview now!
Yeah, Jeff, gratz for 4th Place EHHH!
Aloha from frikkin' cold Austria!
You are so funny- I was waiting for "this is Giampy Cammar reporting live for myself from Hoo' here on Maui's beautiful North shore". Bloody hell-you'll have ESPN head hunting you after this little stunt! Its great-very Quicksilver pro!
Josh is such a tasty bugger......"please sir-may I have some more?"!
Thanks guys for the comments.
Lano, any particular question your wife wants to ask Levi?
Lim, Josh is one of the coolest guys I know in Maui. Always smiling, always with a joke ready...
Kluaus, Jeff sailed really well.
Sharon, I may adopt that line...
Hey Giampaolo;
Thanks for the reports!! I really enjoy them.
I was checking the forecasts for next week and they are not promising. What's the local word? Will the PWA try to squeeze the pro event in friday and saturday?
Also, I'd love to know how are the candidates to the world championship doing... Kauli, Angulo, Pritchard... who is, according to you, going to make it?
Thanks again and greetings from the midwest!!!!
Giampaolo, your blog and these interviews are a ton of fun. You da man.
GP Said - 'Thanks guys for the comments.
Lano, any particular question your wife wants to ask Levi?'
....ummm are you old enough yet? :)
I'd like to hear from Tristan Boxford if you are on the "interviewing sexy windsurfers" campaign.
Lano's wife ... believe me levi is old enough!!! (unfortunately I don't speak from any personal experience!)
Marcos, I tried to answer in the post you find above this (well, I guess you noticed by now).
Allright, we got the question for Levi. Even if we have an unoffical answer from Meesh, I'll ask him anyway.
Meesh any specific question for Tristan?
Thanks everybody for leaving comments.
Tristan how many glasses of wine before you get your kit off?
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