Too late to edit all the clips. I'm going to just load this part one (5 min).
It's the storyboard of the day. The action shots will follow.
Stay tuned and let me know if you liked it.
PS In bed without shower again... got to be true to myself!
On this blog you'll find a daily analysis of the forecast of the surf, windsurf, kitesurf and foiling conditions in Maui.
Hey Giampaolo,
I hear Willie K gives singing lessons, maybe you should take him up on it! Just a though. Where was the longboard sailing video?
why are you not showering??? I have not watched the video yet so perhaps there is an explaination there. I am waiting for it to download.
Anyway I retract my dinner invitation if this is a long term thing (Shaz you are still invited, provided you are not shower striking also)
On another note, the north shore was wet, but not boring - I surfed for 3.5 hours and for the most part it was a lot of fun .... but again, not seen the video so can't accurately boast "my day was better than yours" yet!
Is there a secret to downloading these videos? I have high speed and I still rarely get the thing to play. Is it better to move it to your desk top and then play?
That's weird Meesh. It should be pretty straight forward, just push on the play button... Do you see at least the first frame of the movie on the blog page? Blue background and the title:"11 30 06 For somebody it was just a boring rainy day on the north shore..."
And I was obviously not refering that to you!!!
Hey, no competition sister... I'm sure you had a blast at Hoo. I would have hated it. We're all different.
Ely, something wrong with my singing??? :-)
I'll email you the spot.
Wait, do anybody else have the same problem as Meesh? I'd like to know.
Videos work fine for me, I love them. Can you surf that double overhead? looks scary to me, but I'm a windsurfer. After watching your video I want to learn to surf.
Believe it or not, good windsurfing on Cape Cod today, 60 degrees f. Small swell, sort of like Maui in the summer. You got the life, Man!
Mass windsurfer, aka Paul
Hi Paul.
Surfing is slowest learning sport I know. When you go sail two hours, you sail two hours. When you go surf two hours, you don't surf two hours. You surf those few waves you catch. Maybe two minutes total. That's why you progress so slowly.
Said this, go for it. It's a great sport. A little more dangerous than windsurfing, but if you get to the point of being an intermediate surfer, you will improve your wave sailing skill a lot.
Two more points, one good one bad:
good: less equipment and preparation. Get your board, put some wax and hit the water.
bad: if it's crowded, there's often a weird energy... like a battle for territory. And that's unavoidable, unfortunately, because it's an expression of a shitty side of the human nature. Surfers from big towns, for example, bring their rage in the water.
Yeah, I can surf double overhead, but I need to be 100% of my energy and I feel way more confident going left (frontside for me).
I also prefere longboards and Honolua bay in those conditions is not a fun place to get stuck on the inside with a longboard...
In other words, even if I wasn't tired, I would have probably NOT gone. I did it in the past and I didn't quite enjoy it...
Hello Giampaolo,
email me please with your info, phone # ect. I have friends arriving in maui next week, need lessons and bamboo forest tour...... I took lessons from you 5 years ago.
Sherry from Victoria Bc Canada
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