The pro event started and it was quite a good day. It started late (12.30) because they had to do the registrations and almost all the 16 heats of the Men's first round were held.
The conditions were pretty good, considering the forecast, with light wind and nice waves. Only two waves counting plus overall impression.
Talking about which, you may find interesting to take a look at the PWA judging guidelines hereafter. I strongly recommend to click on the photo if you really want to read that...

It was really a pleasure and a honor to be judging these incredibly good sailors. Judging is not easy, but, just like anything else, the more you do it, the better you do it. I was very focused on the heats and I wasn't really listening to who advanced. I wasn't even calculating the totals on my sheet (we got a couple of sweet ladies that do that for us) and so I don't have many results to mention.
You can check all the heat by heat results on the PWA website. Click the elimination ladder.
Here are my impressions, instead.
Levi and the Pritchards did really good in their heats, but what really impressed me was yet another one of those one hand aerial that Angulo did in the warmup. He landed a little too close to the wave and he had a heavy logo high waterfall coming down on his sail and he just hung in there with one hand on the boom. It looked like he had a third invisible hand. Impressive.
Unfortunately, I didn't filmed that. But I filmed a bunch of other stuff during the warmup. Enjoy the color of the water, the waves, the sun and the action.
Oh, I almost forgot. Little Kai Lenny passed a heat with Siver (who won it), John Skye and Kevin Ponitchera. As I said somewhere else in this blog a 14 years old doesn't clearly have the muscles and the power of a full grown man. Well, he selected the three biggest waves of the heat and managed to advance. Now, is that normal? This guy is going to kill them all one day...
What was it? The "interviewing sexy windsurfers" campaign? The questions on the demand section? Ahah... I don't know about you guys, but I'm having a lot of fun doing this.
I park my car at Hookipa early in the morning, I drink my hot chocolate (I'm digging the hot chocolate instead of the coffee in the morning. They have a decent one at the 76 gas station in Paia. One dollar, 14 cents) and I look in the parking for my victims.
Let's see who is worth to end up on the blog...
I almost had the scoop of the century this morning. I was about to interview Robby Naish's dog, but the contest was about to start and I couldn't. Maybe tomorrow, if they show up again. Any questions for Robby's dog?
In the meantime, enjoy the following...
See you guys tomorrow. Pray for the wind.
What? It's 7.20 pm and I'm done already. I don't have any excuse not to go out tonight! Damit!
Hey Cammar-tomorrow let’s see you in a pair or those enormous glasses-Kauli looks like he might have a few pairs to spare! As for Robby’s dog: “whose doggy bum smells the sweetest and why?” and for Mussolini: “Despite the fact that you’re from Spain, any relation…..?”
Two thumbs up for the blog show, that warm up footage was s.i.c.k.
Sharon, you're questions are brilliant. I love this kind of interactions with my blog readers.
Tomorrow I may buy what could become the board of my dreams. I'm quite excited. I'll let you guys know...
And tonight I went out and I had an interesting conversiation with the shaper of Tabou. I will email him some photos of longboard sailing and some ideas I have...
GP Mrs Lano says a big thankyou....we saw Levi in Pauwela in June but didnt have the guts to go up and say hi, this has more than made up for it - you have brought us great joy, Well the missus anyways! :)
Naishies dog question? Umm....when did you learn not to jump on sails? Good dog!
Interested in this new board mate, I am sure you will post it up.
Thanks for the videos, awesome.
Love the interviews. Wish I was there, you guys and girls are all so lucky!. I thought it was interesting that Levi Siver rigged 3 sails so close together 4.7 5.0 5.2. I can only dream, but maybe sailing today on Cape Cod, warm for here 60f. Tomorrow too, but only mid 50's f. Keep up the good work...Mass windsurfer.
Hey Sharon;
I heard that Alex Mussolini's family is actually from Argentina, and Argentina had massive immigration from Italy.
So then Giampaolo could tell us how common that last name is and if poor Alex could be related to "the Duce".
Anyway, I hope the forecast are all wrong and they can run an aewsome pro contest.
Thanks Cammar for replying to my questions!
Ah ha....6 degrees of separation! One more for Robby's dog "If you had to choose, ball or stick?"
"When did you learn not to jump on sails...", "ball or stick"... you guys crack me up.
I don't think I'll interview Mussolini. He's not a smiler. Probably he IS related...
If you don't pay for your sails, the ideal step for sail sizes is .2
I personally have 4.7 and 5.0 and 5.5 always in my car (4.2 at home).
And sometimes, I wish I had a 4.5 too... like during the heat I did.
On average, how many asses do you sniff a day (Not you GP - Naish's Dog)
hello there!
Keep up this great resource.
I like it a lot! Good work, keep it up. Here a lot of helpful information.
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