Hi GP,
I love your website. It's far and away the most enjoyable presentation of windsurfing and surfing online and in print. After reading for about a year and a half, I decided that I have to travel to Maui and experience this place for myself.
If it's not too much trouble, could you give me your opinion for reasonable accomodations and vehicle. I'm traveling solo for this trip so I'm not looking for anything fancy.
Many Thanks,
Been kinda busy lately and have no photos/videos of my own. But here's a (long) nice video that Glenn put together with his GoPro wide.
THE WINDSURFER - Maui Sessions - Vol. 1 from Glenn Haslbeck on Vimeo.
And here's a couple of photos that blog reader Dave sent.
And here's a link to a video that blog reader Matt sent.
Report. Not much other than a remarkable session up the coast from noon to 1 on Tuesday with logo to mast high waves and perfect 4.7 wind. I heard Hookipa was classic that afternoon but the wind got lighter while Kanaha was quite onshore.
Forecast. Once again, we have a low pressure just north of the islands. There has been a short, but captured fetch for a couple of days and that will generate a big, rough, short period and short lived north swell Thursday afternoon, Friday and Saturday. Big question marks on the wind, that should be onshore first and at some point turn SW during the weekend, but those Kona forecast are always sketchy. We'll see what we get... I'm ready for everything!
Here's Thursday's map still showing that little fetch ('nu fetchetiello', in napolitan).

I love your website. It's far and away the most enjoyable presentation of windsurfing and surfing online and in print.
Well, I have to agree on that. On the day I found out about your blog I read all your posts! If I remember correctly it was 5-6 months ago when I first read your blog, your style is so funny and a reader enjoys your writing. It makes the whole thing of maui/surf life even more cool
and increases my thoughts to quit from what I am doing and go live my dream.
I real like your comments on the pics with the nice surf ladies, believe me when I first read them I said this guy must be either Greek or Italian (Una Faccia Una Razza)
So keep posting
Go for you dreams!
I remember when you started up this site and you wondered if it would take off! Well done GP for sticking with it and taking it where it is today.
In fact, I still have the little flyer you printed to advertise your "New Maui Wind/Wave forecast website!" from March 2005. Do you want it as a souvenir of the start of your fame (or should that be infamy?).
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