Monday, November 03, 2014

11 3 14 morning call

4am main swell buoy readings:

Maui north shore
6.9ft @ 9s from 75° (ENE)
2.4ft @ 3s from 76° (ENE)

West lanai
1.4ft @ 13s from 185° (S)
1.2ft @ 16s from 197° (SSW)
1.1ft @ 6s from 165° (SSE)
1.1ft @ 8s from 182° (S)

North swell is gone, we're left with windswell only. Direction is 75, which is pretty much parallel to Maui's north shore. 7f 9s is good size, but it's on its way down. So Hookipa will have occasional wrappers, but overall a small day well under the average for the season.

Strong sideoff wind all day, as the 11am map shows.

Up at the contest, the PWA has almost finished the double eliminations of both men and women. Their format is ancient and annoying. It takes forever to complete and at the end there's only 2 people at the time in the water.

I don't think they'll finish today (waves too small) and the AWT head judge will run the amateurs category in a brilliant new format. Everybody starts in round one and then:
  • Winner advances to 5th Round
  • 2nd advanced to 4th Round
  • 3rd advances to 3rd Round
  • 4th advances to 2nd Round
Like that he's gonna save a lot of time and everybody will still have a second chance.

So it's gonna be strong and gusty wind with pure windswell. That's exactly the opposite of my favorite conditions and it's a day in which I would not windsurf, if I didn't have to.
But I will and hope it will be fun no matter what.

Here's my heat:

I confess that I'd be bummed if the guy n.4 will not show up with a board with glass on fins...

Have fun in the sun everyone!


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