Tuesday August 18th, same east facing beach, this swell was instead sent by Guillermo.
This beach usually gets only the messy trades' windswell, but if you just add 5 seconds to the period of the waves and shut down the wind, that's how good it can get.
That could be Charlie.
Local kid ripping it up to the very end.
"Shoots 'cuz, where you stay? Come ovah here, da waves are da kine!"
While the trades have eased up a bit and the related windswell has gone down accordingly (still some occasional belly high waves to slap around at Hookipa), the forecast looks promising with a double episode of north swells.
The first smaller one should hit around thursday 27 with a second bigger reinforcement around sunday 30 and monday 31. I'm leaving on sept 1st in the evening... how's my timing again?
Here's the weather map modeled to happen sometimes Thursday night that shows the fetch that will generate the second episode. If that map will be confirmed, that's a winter caliber kind of swell...
You can also see a tropical depression south of the islands centered around 15 degrees of latitude. If it will really be in that position, there should be no problem for the trade winds. But we have learned that those things are hard to predict, so for the wind forecast we'll have to wait and see.
A big storm like the one north of us, instead, is way more reliable and that means that yes: there will be waves!
And that's what counts in my world...

1 comment:
My favourite picture is No.5 BUT where is he from? I no understand da lingo!!!!
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