On the way back I checked the Kahului harbor that had waves, but plenty wind and nobody out. The west side had plenty wind too and Honolua was big and not perfect (if not at times). There just weren't many options yesterday, but the hunt was fun. We'll try again today, and it looks just as challenging.
In the afternoon I windsurfed on the west side. I asked Levi a score for the conditions while I was rigging around 3pm and he gave me a 7. What I sailed was barely a 5, I guess it was better earlier. That's also what it looks like from this photo of Ferdi by Jimmie Hepp from this gallery.

The good news is that I was toasty in my 4/3 (still cold fingers though). Taking it off felt a bit like this. Maybe I should get those tools.
5am significant buoy readings
South shore
Check the webcams, Lahaina had some energy from the wrap yesterday.
North shore
7.9ft @ 12s from 11° (NNE)
12.3ft @ 13s from 330° (NW)
9.3ft @ 13s from 333° (NNW)
Now, that applies to the "main" 13s component of it. But notice how the 10s period component at Pauwela and N is already coming from a slightly more northerly direction. Those were generated towards the head of the fetch, while the 13+ more towards the back of it. So the 10s energy hitting the buoys in any moment, was generated at least half day or more later than the 13+ which had to travel more. And that explains why the 10s part is already coming more from the north. The 13+ will follow. Love this stuff.
1) solid, classic NW fetch. Related swell forecasted by Surfline to pick up on Friday and peak Saturday at 8f 15s from 307 at 2pm. Really good wind (i.e.: lack of thereof) those days.
2) the father fetch of the current swell moving ever so slowly to the east.
Btw, in Italian we don't really have a word for fetch, so we use the English word fetch. But since every word/object has a gender (in that language, I mean), we had to come up with one for it and it's male. "Il fetch", instead of "la fetch" to say "the fetch". Swell is female and it would be "la swell". I'm sure you're thrilled to learn this fundamental piece of information.
MC2map at 7am seem to show decent wind in the Kahului area, but unfortunately the iWindsurf readings are not in line with it: it's blowing 20mph at 5.30am.

MC2km map at 1pm shows wind conditions similar to yesterday.