The afternoon offered cracking (in all meanings of the word) conditions. This is a photo by Jimmie Hepp from this gallery.

3/4am significant buoy readings
South shore
3.1ft @ 9s from 171° (S)
2.6ft @ 18s from 266° (W)
No idea of where the 3f 9s come from, the 2.6f 18s is the wrap of the WNW swell, so Kihei will have some waves. Not sure about Lahaina, but there's the webcam for that.
North shore
11ft @ 16s from 276° (W)
9.2ft @ 18s from 309° (WNW)
3.7ft @ 6s from 78° (ENE)
9.2ft @ 18s from 309° (WNW)
3.7ft @ 6s from 78° (ENE)
3.5ft @ 18s from 311° (NW)
2.6ft @ 9s from 8° (N)
Below is the graph of the three reported buoys. I put an arrow to indicate when the swell seems to have peaked at the first one and another to indicate where it should peak in Maui (early morning). The huge difference between Waimea and Pauwela is due to the westerly direction of the swell. Most of the energy of this swell is unfortunately being blocked by the upstream islands for us. Hookipa will have inconsistent overhead sets, but I would recommend to check the Pipeline cam if you want to see some solid size (probably too big to surf). The problem on the north shore will be the wind, as the Hookipa sensor is already reading 16 (9-24)mph from 78 at 5am.
Below is the collage of the wind maps from March 21 to 25. As you can see, the first two days the fetch was in front of the southern half of Japan and that's why we're not getting much. Only on the 23rd it started moving a bit NE and most likely we're gonna see less blockage and more size in the final stages of this swell.
MC2km maps not updated yet, check them later. This is the windguru 10 days table, today should be another very windy day. Maui not disappointing the windsurfing brands for their photoshoots this year. Next Sunday gonna be very windy as well and liver flush it will be.
Some clouds, but it should be a beautiful day again.
Current wind map shows:
1) the usual NW fetch. This is going to be a common vision for the whole week.
2) tiny ENE fetch
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