I sailed Kanaha with the shortboard and a 5.0. The little camera was mounted on the boom and I took a bunch of photos/videos. Not nearly as good as the ones in the previous post. It's official: this camera is more better (Hawaiian slang) for surfing.
See what I mean?

Here's a little water start. Not too exciting, but at least you don't have to turn the screen like in the post below...
In this other one, I do a couple of bottom and top turns. I know, you can barely see them...
After that, I moved to Hookipa to take a few photos. The waves were big, the wind was gusty and a few pros were having a blast.
Here's Jason Polakow studying an attack strategy.

Looks like it worked...

And just to finish that wave in glory, a 360. This would have been a high score in the upcoming Aloha Classic. By the way, I'm going to judge. Send me an email if you are going to compete and would like to corrupt me.

Here's another wave 360 by the Australian.

Still him, hitting da lip. He was on fire.

Keith Teboul was carving hard...

...and catching some air here and there.

Kevin Pritchard demolishing a lip.

Not sure who this one is, but for sure he got the bottom turn technique down.

Looks like he can top turn too!

Here's a little video that is called "lucky escape". Why lucky? Because there was a lull in the waves and he got a rare inside gust to water start. Boy, that was close! At the very end, a nice girl (Anna Marie) walks and says "Hey!". I politely answer "how you doin'?", stop the video and start to chat.
I got my priorities...
Here's another little video to give you a better idea of the conditions. The guy on the blue sail had a bad timing and he will be eaten alive on his way out. It wasn't easy neither for the other guy. Sorry about the lost of focus. Not my fault.
One guy paddled out and sat at the point. Here he goes...

Wow, what a drop! He actually made that section...

Don't believe it? Here he is, same wave.

End of the post. You guys from around the world should feel almost like you were there too to watch. Like this guy. Well, not quite... You don't have a bike with one shock absorber like him... do you?!

PS. These photos are considerably larger than what I usually post (1.2 MB versus around 300KB). Do they take longer to load? Do the whole blog page take longer to load? Please post a comment to let me know (let me know you connection speed too). Thanks.
No, wait! I almost forgot to tell you about today (Monday 10 23) !
I sailed Kanaha in the morning and Kuau in the late afternoon. The waves at Kuau were much bigger and I had a couple of reeeally nice ride. I was just thinking:"oh well, looks like I'm finally starting to like Kuau", when the wind dropped.
I was on the outside sinking with the water at my knees and it took me forever to slog all the way to the waves. My arms were sore (can't use the harness in that light wind). On the inside there was no wind at all. I started swimming pulling the board with one hand. I was slow, but I was hoping that the wind would pick up again (it usually does that). Then I checked the time: 5.45pm. Damn, I got to de-rig if I want to make it to the shore with the light!
So I did. I packed everything (this time I didn't lose anything in the process) and paddled towards the coast. Of course, at the end, the wind picked up again. But hey, what if it didn't? I did the right thing anyway and I was happy about the whole coolness with which I went thru the whole thing. Very zen. I even managed to enjoy a remarkable sunset!
I made it back thru the little beach of the Paia buddist temple/cemetery around 6.30.
New Zealand's Tracy had sailed in at Tavares and came to check that I was allright. She has a friend that lives right there and he took us back home, so we didn't have to walk back bare foot on the Hana Highway...
The hot shower at home felt particularly good.
One thing for sure. I'm gonna sleep good tonight...
Hi Cammar,
Nice pics again. Definitely like the light in some of the Hookipa ones. (no they did not slow down the uploading of the page noticably). Keep em coming! Anne Marie has done the right thing in being there. Over here in the Netherlands the weather sucks.
Aloha from the Netherlands
Shit-7:19am-got caught in your bloody blog & now I'm gonna be late for work!
Hey Robin, make sure to send more hot babes like A.M. from the Netherlands... we need them!
Lim, no slowing down for you either?
Sharon, that sounds like an excuse... a good one though!
good job on the self rescue ... also thanks for the info. I finished late yesterday and was so tired from sailing there sunday in the gusty (but bloody good fun) conditions that i decided not to go for the last hour of light. Good job it seems, as i was shagged reading about the conditions and self rescue on your post!!!
Haha Cammar,
Right sending more your way so we will have a serious shortage. No can do, sorry. ;o) Seriously I see her ripping it up at Scheveningen (try pronouncing that) and she knows how to work it. Respect!
you say:"as i was shagged reading about the conditions"...
You were shagged? Good for you!!
That must be why you like my blog so much!!
I assume it was your husband, since you declare it publicly...
Allright, it's clear that I'm missing a double meaning of the word shagged... English can be quite funny at times. What about the double meaning of the word 'stool'...
"I drank my beer at the bar sitting on a stool"...
Damn, that must have been a big one!
Maybe it's not funny for the mother tounges, but it cracks me up!
Robin, come on... you got plenty over there. In Amsterdam I saw sexy girls everywhere... even in the windows!
I'll make sure to let A.M. know that I'm corruptable.
Well, to be clear about the meaning of SHAG in a sentence, it depends on how one says it.....
I was shagged : means I was tired
I was shagging : means I was getting lucky
But i think I like your interpretation of it better, and will give it a go next time I read your blog.. Make it a good post!
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