I have to rest for a few days and you guys will see a lot of photos. In fact, the waves started pumping today on the north shore and will be here till the weekend. No wind, lots of sun. It's hard (for me) to rest in Maui, still it's probably the best place where to do that...
Let's start with some surf action...

Did you like the photos? Here's a video (4min. 30 sec.).
Two words on the music. I saw the Porcupine Tree in concert at least 6-7 times. One of them was in LA at the House of the blues. They started the concert with this song at full blasting volume (I would recommend to connect some kickass speakers to your computer). They brought it down. The House, I mean...
See this guy?

Here he is again. Not really of first hair (literal translation of the italian saying "non di primo pelo" that means not particularly young), but still ripping. Goob job!

Here's a fat section of girls paddling, as kindly requested. How about the last one? Oh my...

That's the delicious fruit salad I ate for lunch. Thanks to an angel that brought me the fruit...

During the day the swell picked up quite a lot and here's how the sunset session was.
My favorites are the first three of Lanes, because of the light.

Here's another video. I didn't edit it, because I wanted to show how remarkably consistent this swell was. I film continuos action for about 5 minutes. First the rights at the Point, then the lefts at Lanes, and then more lefts at Middles and then again the Point... few waves went unridden.
Dedicated to all the people that have never been in Maui and wonder how Hookipa looks like when it's big. You should see it when it's huge!!!
Since I almost went crazy to try to match the lenght of the previous movie to the lenght of the song, this time I used a reverse logic approach: I picked a song of the same lenght of the movie! You think it's a good idea? Yeah, right...
The thing is that I have quite a lot of music on my PC and the number of good songs of that lenght was surprisingly high. It took me a while before I was able to come out with a selection. Let me know if you liked it. It would be nice if I could build a menu with a few different options that you guys could select...
One of them would be for sure a song by a napolitan (that's where I'm from) singer (il grande Pino Daniele).
The song is called "Mal di te" and at one point it goes:"I was born in Napoli, that's why I like the sea"... I couldn't stop a little tear. But it was a bit too slow for the action. Let me know if you would like to hear that version, though.
Anyway, here we go with Jonny Lang, instead.
Let's finish in glory with a little section dedicated to the best butt in Maui. At least, in my respectable opinion... hey, once I have been backup judge in a bikini contest in North Carolina!

What's going on there? Drank too much water?

There she is, charging. From Brazil, of course.

Wow, this post exhausted me!
See you soon! And if you payed attention to the weater maps of the first video, you know that when I say soon, I mean soon...
The JL music selection was spot on, how'd you dig him out? AND- how did you stay sane today being on land? Great job in sharing your visions with the rest of us, sweeeeet.
Who told you I stayed sane?
But, but, but, but....thanyou!
you are the king of the ass picture library. we tried!!
Sei proprio in paradiso...
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