Same as yesterday (slightly stronger wind in the afternoon), I caught my usual hundred sailing on the longboard at Kanaha.
Here's Juan that must have put some effort in choosing equipment and attire that would match...

Allright, allright, I like the previous photo better (that's why I left it there), but I have to publish this one too to please the female audience...

Nice smile! He must have had a good session, despite the warning signs...
I love the high surf one. That's the perfect description of "over the falls".

Now, imagine the little dude going down that thing. Look at that! Looks like shark jaws... Remarkable performance of my camera, considering that this photo has been taken at Kanaha with 12x optical zoom and 4xdigital zoom.

Later on, at Hookipa and Lanes a few brave kitesurfers were entertaining the usual cliff crowd.
Where's the kite?

These guys must have been stoked to have Hookipa all for themselves (usually Hookipa is for the windsurfers and the kitesurfers are confined to Lanes)

A windsurfer was sailing upper kuau. There must have been a sign of that pole. Gone with the wind, probably...

The grass was more interesting for this fellow...

I don't know what to say on this one...

Here's a video of what happened at that point. You thought the kitersurfers were brave? Check it out... sit down and relax and enjoy the music of the Porcupine Tree. The song is: The start of something beautiful... and rare, I would add.
What do I say at the end? Look at that and dream...

He is a demi-god! I'm so glad you showed him paddling out. I saw him yesterday and his rides were of course amazing. Yet the battle with the white water, wind & current was what REALLY impressed me. His power, maturity, knowledge and skill really show in these crazy conditions. Love the directors cut!
That's pretty impressive.
Your video is making the rounds in the office now :)
- Josh
pretty impressive...
stuff from another world I would say..
thanks for sharing with us
Hey thanks for the pic of Juan two....I even double clicked for a closer appreciation!
Ok, try to stop the video at 3.01.9... you can see a turtle popping out for air just in front of him! As soon as he gets back on the board. I checked with the original (better quality) and it's defenitely a turtle.
Oh yeah Sharon, I forgot to underline the wind factor. It was windy enough for the kitesurfers. What's that? Let's say... 12 knots. Do you know where I get if I paddle standing up in 12 knots?
Absolutely nowhere...
Thanks so much for this site. I'm a windsufer here in Mass. I come to maui every summer for two weeks.
I love your comments and outlook on life!
Laird is Freaky! Respect!
Mass windsurfer, thanks for the appreciation. Spread the word and the positive energy.
Lano, big respect to Laird. And Kalama is no fool either...
il sogno di tutti noi riders metropolitani.... !
il teletrasporter è quasi una realtà.....almeno con la mente ci fai godere davvero tanto! i video con "telecronaca" in slang sono eccezionali grande ... ! non smettere mai ! grrrrrrazie
E chi smette? Finche' mi diverto cosi'...
Hey Josh, I forgot to tell you that to know that the staff of Windsurfing magazine liked the video thrilled me.
And I just shot the video. Think if I was Laird!
he's not human. he's Neptune!
he's not human. he's Neptune!
eheh... cru, lo sapevo che Laird ti sarebbe piaciuto...
Amazing stuff dude!!! Laird is from another planet... respect!!!
Cheers from da DK!!!
He is by far the best WATERMAN in the world. No one will take that from him, ever.
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