It's that I'm so busy enjoying life!
There's some parts of this video that are shot with a really bad light (beginner mistake), but if I had to get everything right, I would have never come up with anything... so take it as it is... almost obsolete!
Some guys on this blog or on the Hot Sails forum have been experimenting quite a lot...
I had to cut it into two parts. Here's part one.
If you can't see it here, try here.
And here's part two.
If you can't see it here, try here.
PS. All clips can be turned 90, 180 or 270 degrees by Windows Movie Maker.
Great post interesting to hear/see some tips
I have made a crude first mount on my board - see the Hot forum
As I tried that mount I experienced that the camera focused/zoomed in automatically !? I can see taht it zoom in on the clouds as it is pointing upwards - Have you tried that ?
Great job Giampaolo. I'm motivated to go get one (papaya that is). MB
The NY Times ran a story about a dude with a helmet-mounted camera. Very funny. The story, in the "On the Road" section, titled "No Takeoff, but 2 Visits by the Police," by JOE SHARKEY, was published June 26, 2007.
Check it out here.
A prediction: In the future, Google (which by then will have purchased GoPro in a deal worth several billion dollars) will successfully lobby for legislation so that everyone will be required to wear one of these; everyone will broadcast the minutiae of their lives 24/7 via wireless broadband, with skin sensors transmitting their physical state data along with the a/v feed. The penalty for turning off the video will be... severe.
At a later date, the devices will be bionically implanted on top of the head shortly after birth, with the added capability to provide a read-out of the subject's thoughts, translated into all languages simultaneously.
The feeds will carry contextually relevant advertising for products and services. Advertisers will pay higher rates to be featured on the feeds of celebrities such as Paris Hilton, and Giampaolo Cammarota. The fees will make Google by far the largest force in the world's economy, with several quadrillion dollars in annual revenue.
Later still, the devices will be equipped wit "impulse receptors" that direct and control the actions of the subject, moment by moment. The instructions will emanate from the Googleplex, which by then will have been moved to a fortified location inside Haleakala. The instructions will ensure that the individual feeds are all "interesting" enough to support continued growth in advertising revenue.
A new class of avant-garde renegade thrill-seekers will emerge. These deviants will strive to keep their experiences intensely private, and will savor in delight the bliss of being invisible and unknown. One of them will be a (not-so) young Italian software engineer, who one day decides to unplug from everything, and move to the moon, to surf photo-voltaically on the solar wind and the waves of the sun's giant storms - solar-windsurfing. His experiences will be shared with others only through direct participation or word-of-mouth. The few who learn of him will marvel at the incredible qualities of his near-anonymous and undocumented existence. He will receive marriage proposals from Naomi Campbell, Angelina Jolie, and Beyonce.
Had you going, didn't I?
Excellent Giampaolo! The mounting on the mast directly never occured to me as I thought it wasn't possible to flip the video 90 degrees when editing. Now I've found that it's possible to flip it 90, 180, 270 degrees...
Gonna try that one the next time out.
I'm gonna post images of my mast mount later on.
I like your mount a lot. Compared to the one I do with the tie-down strep for SUP surfing, it allows to shoot the surfer with a wider angle. I thought about a mount on the very front of my 12.2 too, but by drilling a couple of holes in the board and gluing a couple of leash plugs... so far I decided to give up.
The adhesive foam is a brilliant idea. I wouldn't trust it in the waves, though. So it needs a safety leash or something.
PS. Duct tape is great, but not water proof. Your board is actually sucking water every time you put it in the water like that.
See if your hardware store has an aluminum tape (I think it's used to seal air conditioning system and/or boilers). As long as there's not too much water inside the board and you clean the surface really well, it may give you the water proof sealing you need, until you find the time to do a proper repair job.
'Zup Bob. I love papayas...
you had me going, but if you pass me that think you smoked when you wrote all that, you will get me going even more... ;-)
Niclas, I forgot to mention that you can turn the videos with the editing sw... I'll add it to the post... not to the video though! I invested way too much time editing it already!!
Hi Cammar
very nice description of mounting possibilities.
Is there a picture stabilisator in the camera?
Hi Frankenrabiator,
I don't think so.
Lots of applause here!
Great instructional on the GoPro mounts. Yesterday I tried it on my ankle, but the video did not take. I guess I must have not pressed the shoot button to start the recording. One thing that would be interesting from GoPro is whether there could be a daylight visual cue that the camera is recording since the red lights are hard to see in bright sunlight. Perhaps a "Rec" on the LCD display?
Yo Bill!
Good idea, I'll submit it to the gopro guys...
If the camera is within you reach, you can check if it's recording by stopping the video and checking if the counter increments. Then start it again... you'll need to edit it anyway, right?
hello from reunion island !
what you explains in your video is great.
that made me want to buy a gopro digital hero 3.
i just receveid it and tried it yesterday.
it's really fun.
i've got a question do you think it can support SD card of 4 Go and SD hi speed card ?
see ya
hello again,
here is my try for gopro if you want to see :
actually I tried to fix it on the boom, the mast, the ankle.
see ya
mat from reunion island
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