Yesterday there were some beautiful out of season waves and I scored an epic session at an unnameable spot on the north shore.
The wind was light and steady. 5.3 and an old 96l wave board did it. Four of us sharing waves, smiles and stoke.
The waves were head to logo high, with even a couple of mast high beauties. And they were glassy... really glassy. And blue... really blue.
For an hour and a half, it was pure wave riding perfection.
As a confirmation of that, even an Hookipa ripper like Nat Gill (one of the four) was pretty stoked afterwards on the beach.
Here's a few waves in the morning at Hoo, when the swell was still on the way up.
Today, the wind was even lighter and I opted for a longboard wave sailing sesh together with Jeff. I had my waterproof camera with me and I shot what I think is going to be a killer video. I'll edit it tomorrow night... unless Naomi calls, of course.
After that, with a few friends, I enjoyed a lovely walk on the beach at Baldwin and a few beers in front of the sunset.
That's what I'm talking about!
Dramatic light in this one.
I asked Michelle how she managed to get both big toe nails black like that.
"Just hiking 20 miles in the crater...", she said.
Tomorrow they're calling for stronger wind and bigger waves. In fact the NW buoy is up to 6 feet, 10 seconds from 340 degrees.
Man... it's so good to be back!
- Did I say that already?
PS. Talking about killer videos... check this one out. WOW!
Hey GP, that video popped up on today, I watched it all afternoon at work....freaky.
Those waves look like great fun, even I would tackle them!
Question: How come all posts involving Michelle involve beer?
She even busted her knee slipping on one...
Must be the british nationality...
Opps, pardon me (burrrp). Well, yes it's British Heritage I guess. But after slipping on the beer, and de-commissionizing myself there is alot more time in the day when you can't surf for 6 hours; so thats when beers come into play.
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