I'm not too much into speed, unless the water is really flat and smooth. Well, yesterday it wasn't that smooth, but I had a lot of fun anyway.
What an awesome sail. The same power of a cambered sail without the hassle of rigging (and jibing!) a cambered sail. Loved it.
Good job Tom, this is for you.
If you can't see it here, try here.
I'm working on an instructional video on how and where to mount the gopro camera. Gimme a few more days... Any last minute questions I can try to answer?
You looked like you were going real fast, nice jumps as well. I quite like the look of that sail as well, nice and clean
I vote for cute girl #1
I showed the girls in the office this one, they loved 'the rugged man' image you portray....grrrr
My vote goes to the cute doggie. Woof.
Devilish ride... you truely do feel the wind in your face, because you go so fast ?
My vote goes for the turtle. snap!
Wind and wave about to come to the Nortrhsea coast, jiiiiiiieeh!
Nice editing. I personally don't mind a long intro with cute girls. Maybe next time ;-)
Great looking sail. Looks fast and stable.
Hopefully we'll get to do some sailing this weekend here in western europe (North Sea). At least you remind us what it's like :-)
Cammar, what's the name of the band and song? Loved it!
2. You now own 2 GoPros?
3. What editing software do you use?
Lano, the girls in your office defenitely have good taste...
And it looks like you do too (I'm referring to your appreciation for girl #1...)!
Anon, you must be a doggy style lover.
Chris, I hope you'll get some wind on the face too!
Peter, actually the camera on the mast does add a little extra flex to the mast in the gusts. So, wihout it, I assume that that sail is even more stable. Try out one if you got a chance.
Niclas, at the end of the video you always find the music credits.
That song used to be on youtube, but warner music just took it off.
Ops, does that mean I'm in trouble now?
Anyway, the song is Blackest eyes from my favorite (existing!) band Porcupine Tree. It belongs to a cd called In Absentia which, even though pretty damn good, is not even remotely one of my favorites.
Try Stupid Dream or Coma Divine...
Yes, I own two cameras for double POV shots. Lots of editing work...
I use Windows Movie Maker, that comes standard with Windows.
If you have a Mac, I guess you'll use iMovie.
Once I tried to import a 10 minutes .avi clip into iMovie on a friend's Mac. It took forever (like 45 minutes or so). I guess it's because it coverts it into itw own quicktime format or something like that...
No conversion at all required with WMM. You drag the clip in it, and it's immediately available for editing.
Now, that's enough for me NOT to switch to Mac.
use a mac? you're on crack!
use a pc? you're a sissy.
go for detox. stick with linux.
faak the speedsailing dude, go after the hot chicks!! what were ya thinkin?
i like the segue from dorky to hard rock music.
I like the old speed board...that's a Sputnik, yes? They were supposed to be the fastest things on the water back around 1994...I'll bet it rips!
I'm just too busy (read lazy) to even evaluate a switch to linux...
...now, that's a nickname!
that's actually a custome that Peter Thommen shaped for Dunkerback... a few years ago.
It's still a missile, but it's not quite as fast as a modern speed board. Like the Naish speed pro or something like that...
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