That's extremely cool, thank you guys so much!
Guess what I thought as soon as I saw the article for the first time?
Dammit, they choose that photo in which I don't really look that good...
But I really liked everything they wrote. Thanks again! I may even end up buying a copy!!! ;-)
Allright, let's open another window into paradise...
It's the third day in a row that we are blessed with some serious windswell. Check what 9 feet, 10 seconds, straight from 90 degrees turns into at Hookipa.
Here's Glenn about to hit (or be hit by) a lip. Love the light.
Patrick Bergeron in a backloop.
Andres (a young sailor from Colombia) gets better every time I see him...
Patrick bottom turns into a juicy one.
Here and here are a few more photos.
Two words on my sessions. The wind was very strong, gusty and offshore. The first day I went out on a 4.5 and very small (68l) board. Mistake. Such a small board (my favorite wave board) requires strong steady wind. I wasn't comfortable in the lulls (plenty of those on the inside, as usual).
The following day I went out on a bigger board and a 4.2. Much better. So, here's my kook tip of the day: when very gusty and up and down, rig small and pick a board that will make you float thru the lulls.
This guys is Ken (did he say from Maryland?). He came to me at Hookipa saying:"man, you are inspiring" and showed me his pretty clever helmet mount of the gopro camera.
Check it out, it looks much better than mine... He was still testing it though, so I don't know how well it worked.
I'm still working on an instructional video on the different mount possibilities.
Unfortunately my laptop screen broke. I'm using a fixed screen, but that doesn't help much the posting mood... I got to post laying down on the couch!!!!
Here are a few photos from a fun surf sesh on the south shore at the beginning of the week.
In the meantime this couple of tourists was enjoying a not too shabby sunset.

This guy had a great style on his longboard.
More sunset.

I'll leave you with some romance on the hill at Hookipa.
well done GP on the magazine write up, you are right about the pic, could have used a better one...
Some of our local lads were in Maui last week testing all of the new 08 gear for a range of manufacturers, they said conditions were great, windy for the full two weeks they were there!
Keep up the good work,
PS GoPro is under serious consideration, are you working on commission?
You are famous now!!!
we are so spoiled that if it's just windy but no waves, conditions actually suck...
No commissions unfortunately... I'd be rich by now!
you mean I wasn't famous before?!?
yeah, you look like robby but not the naish one! anyway, you are in a magazine so what the hell; it only works to your advantage if you can stay up later than 9pm though!!
GRANDE...... Ciao Nico
Congrats !!
Meesh, you cracked me up.
You two guys, thanks!
Congrats on the Windsurfing Mag spot! I was wondering when print would recognize blog. Excellent!
...MORE famous!!! Print famous...
way ta go gp.
use your fame to exploit hot, young chicks. post more hot chic pics.
Andy, I'm afraid I missed the window of opportunity...
Thanks Bill. Yep, the magazines defenitely look close at blogs nowadays... they better, unless they want to be replaced by them!
Dollyna, this "fame" really means nothing to me. Also because... it won't get me any of what Porndog is talking about... I'm not Levi Siver!
Yesterday I was at Hookipa with Glenn and Anne Marie Reichman came to us with... a stuck mast. I helped her out and started to chat. But as soon as Levi arrived and sat on the rail to eat his Kuau Mart chicken, she and two other chicks immediately sorrounded him.
I looked at Glenn and said:"oh well..."
I had better not tell Kym about this 'Levi/Reichman' liason, she will be mighty jealous!
I know those two lovers!
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