Unbelievable how such an easy procedure is still only knowledge of the few that read the work of Andreas Moritz. If I'd ask my western doctor how to remove gallstones, he would answer that the only way is surgically. He would probably add that I don't need too, because I don't have a liver/gallbladder condition. Instead, we ALL have stones. Unless our parents were smart enough not to give us unnatural things like cow milk, formula and other processed food. The stones are the result of years and years of eating processed food and animal proteins we're not designed to eat, and they obstruct the bile ducts thus reducing the ability of our body to properly digest the food we eat.
That can cause all kind of problems that lead to most (in A.M.'s opinion) of the diseases we suffer from in this day and age. Here's the master himself explaining (kinda backwards) the flush. The coolest part of the whole process (which pretty much takes you out of service for just the last day) is to feel the stones travelling from the gallbladder into the intestine like marbles as soon as you lay down at 10pm after having drunk the olive oil and citrus juice mixture.
Sorry I went on it, I just wanted to mention that yesterday I didn't surf because of the flush, but I got sucked into sharing more than I wanted. If I inspire just one reader to do a flush and improve his/her health because of what I'm sharing on the this blog, I'd be stoked.
Back to our waves, this is how they looked yesterday at sunset at Pavils.
Christian doing what I planned on doing (and am not): foiling when conditions are not good for anything else.
5am significant buoy readings
South shore
2.7ft @ 13s from 178° (S)
2.7ft @ 13s from 171° (S)
Couple of southerly readings in line with the forecast at the outer buoys, check the webcam to see what that translates into.Let's not forget to take into account the blocking action of Kahoolawe.
It looks pretty small to me, here's a thigh higher that the guys sitting on the outside decided to let go. Hopefully that means that there's bigger sets, but for sure Hookipa will offer more size and consistency (and less quality).
North shore
2.8ft @ 13s from 271° (W)
0.4ft @ 16s from 320° (NW)
0.3ft @ 16s from 342° (NNW)
7.9ft @ 9s from 76° (ENE)
NW buoys are not particularly reliable about the direction of a small rising swell, specially if they're hit at the same time by windswell, so I would interpret those almost 3f 13s as a sign that the new NW swell is hitting them. Don't pay attention to the directions at Hanalei and Waimea either, what counts is that they are registering some relatively long period energy from somewhere in the NW quadrant.
Pauwela only reads a solid 8f 9s windswell and that's what we're gonna have on offer most of the day.
It is possible that some NW sets might show up at sunset. Check the buoys during the day if you want to find out if that is a possibility or not. You want to have at least 1f 15s, 1.5f 14s or 2f 13s at Pauwela for something to really show at Hookipa. And it's still gonna be a lot smaller and less consistent than the windswell.
Tomorrow we'll know better.
Hookipa wind reading at 6am: 12 (7-18)mph from 83.
My Meteogram friend was kind enough to customize a HRW wind map according to my taste. Thanks a lot, that was very kind of you. Below is the outcome. The map below is at 2pm today and I find it quite easy to read, once you get used to the new color scheme (which is pretty intuitive anyway). Yellow at Hookipa means 21-24 mph.
That's a test I did yesterday at 5pm. Once again Hookipa was yellow with a darker 25+ area just offshore. The iwindsurf map on the right confirms the reliability of the prediction. We'll keep an eye on it. Unfortunately, it's not as easy to access and to advance between hours like MC2km used to be. Not yet, at least. I'll keep you guys posted. Again, he offered a free Meteogram account to all the Mauisurfreport readers, take advantage of it.
The trades are about to get a little lighter ('bout time!), since the high pressure that's generating them is about to move east, pushed by the arrival of a front. We talked about this a couple of days ago.
Current wind map shows:
1) a new small fetch just offshore the Asian continent
2) small NW fetch
3) windswell fetch
4) strong but compact and partially obstructed Tasman sea fetch. It's taking its time to finally cross over New Zealand.
5) this one is really weak in its closest to us part, but it does have one section with stronger winds oriented toward us a little deeper S/SE
I circle the fetches first and then, now that I have the tools thanks to Meteogram, I double check that my circling was right by looking at the automatically generated fetches maps below. North Pacific on the left, South on the right. Notice the area of stronger winds I just mentioned in fetch n. 5
Morning sky.
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