No photos from yesterday. Sign of the times, since there's no good conditions.
I'll steal the photo that Jason Hall just posted on his facebook instead. That's this morning's sunrise that I admired while having breakfast instead. Not in any hurry to go surf, since it's the usual blown out windswell mix.
Buoys at 5am
5.2ft @ 8s from 68° (ENE)
2.2ft @ 13s from 153° (SSE)
1.8ft @ 7s from 64° (ENE)
1.5ft @ 5s from 68° (ENE)
4.5ft @ 7s from 36° (NE)
4.5ft @ 7s from 36° (NE)
2.7ft @ 11s from 329° (NW)
1.1ft @ 4s from 38° (NE)
6.4ft @ 7s from 54° (ENE)
6.4ft @ 7s from 54° (ENE)
3.2ft @ 11s from 344° (NNW)
1.4ft @ 7s from 180° (S)
1.4ft @ 7s from 180° (S)
1.4ft @ 12s from 201° (SSW)
0.6ft @ 9s from 182° (S)
Actually 3f 11s are not bad at all, the problem is wind and windswell. Ok, ok, I'll go surf this morning too... it always feel good afterward, thanks to the physical exercise (which you pretty much don't get when windsurfing). That's probably the angular spreading of that fetch that was shooting to north America and that's why Maui has the highest reading between the three main buoys.
Actually 3f 11s are not bad at all, the problem is wind and windswell. Ok, ok, I'll go surf this morning too... it always feel good afterward, thanks to the physical exercise (which you pretty much don't get when windsurfing). That's probably the angular spreading of that fetch that was shooting to north America and that's why Maui has the highest reading between the three main buoys.
Not too stoked of how the NW fetch generating Wednesday's swell is evolving. Already shooting most of its energy towards north America. Some waves are still pushed our way today, tomorrow it might be down to angular spreading again. But hey, better than the nothingness we've had lately.
Surfing wise, I'm actually way more excited about the south swell. It's easier to find shelter from the trades on the south shore (the NW swell will be good for windsurfing since it's gonna be windy).
As predicted, the fetch down under went right over New Zealand and now is shooting perfectly at us. Let's hope it stays there as long as possible.

Surfing wise, I'm actually way more excited about the south swell. It's easier to find shelter from the trades on the south shore (the NW swell will be good for windsurfing since it's gonna be windy).
As predicted, the fetch down under went right over New Zealand and now is shooting perfectly at us. Let's hope it stays there as long as possible.
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