Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday 1 10 20 morning call

I've been back for two full days already and not only I haven't got in the water yet, but I haven't even pulled the camera out of the backpack. Today I'm off, I might put a little more effort into both things... maybe.

Here's one of the those extraordinary images from Ben Thouard.

6-7am significant buoy readings and discussion
South shore
No southerly energy at the buoys, the good news is that the Lahaina webcam is now available again on all the pages of the original website. What happened is that it is now run under the Surfline management (still free though), instead of the Ozolio one. Can't control it anymore, but it cycles in this weird way: 1 minute on Breakwall and 45 seconds on Harbor. So check it out yourselves if interested.

North shore
2.5ft @ 15s from 326° (NW)

10.9ft @ 12s from 76° (ENE)
7.9ft @ 9s from 65° (ENE)
2.7ft @ 6s from 63° (ENE)
1.6ft @ 16s from 351° (N)

11ft at 12s means a massive amount of raw energy from the ENE. That would make it difficult already to find a feasible spot, but it's actually almost impossible with the trades still blowing strong.

Waimea is recording the start of a new NW swell, which is also showing at Pauwela in the form of a small 16s reading (obviously not from 351), but I honestly doubt this energy will make any difference at all, seen the extremely rough conditions of our waters. My guess is that it's not even going to be visible locally until the late afternoon.

Wind map at noon

Kahului Tides
High Tide     High Tide     Low Tide     Low Tide       Sunrise   Sunset
2:24a  +2.7  12:51p  +1.3   9:00a  +0.9   7:26p  -0.6    7:06a   6:03p  

Three circled fetches in the North Pacific today. The windswell one is the one that will generate the biggest waves, due to its proximity.

Nice fetch deep down in the Tasman Sea. As you can see from the map on the right, that is a 9 days trip full of obstacles, so it'll be interesting to see if we get anything from it. Surfline does have 1ft 15s from 210 on January 20th.

Morning sky.

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