Browsinho on a massive wave at Jaws yesterday. Photo by FishBowlDiaries.
7am Surfline significant buoy readings and discussion.
South shore
- 1.6ft, 12s, SW 235º
- 1.9ft, 9s, S 170º
- 2.3ft, 9s, SSE 160º
- 2.9ft, 7s, SSE 155º
Small southerly energies at the buoys. Below is the map of January 6 (7 days ago) showing the angular spreading fetch that could be the possible source of the longer period energy.
Check the Lahaina webcam if interested,
for size, conditions and consistency.
North shore
- 6.2ft, 14s, N 355º
- 8.8ft, 13s, N 350º
- 4.2ft, 10s, NNW 340º
- 5.8ft, 15s, N 350º
- 5.2ft, 13s, N 350º
- 4.7ft, 11s, NNW 340º
XL NW swell came down at the buoys and now is definitely NNW, almost N. I think Hookipa will still be too big in the morning, possibly surfable in the late afternoon.
Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: possibly over the ice sheet) from Windy.
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner of the North Pacific):
South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):
Morning sky.
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