Not quite as fun as yesterday because... the wind was stronger! The stronger I got it so far: fully powered on the outside with a 4.7. Good, you would think. Bad, I say. More chop on the face of the waves disturbed me quite a bit. Geez, it's going to be hard to get used to the Maui strong wind again...
Anyway, as promised here are the other photos from day 35.
Fabrice Beaux was all over the place. Take that.
Or that.
Or that (forward off the lip).
Here's another frenchman called Bruno who is recovering from a bad ankle accident happened while doing some radical mountain bike stuff. He's just now going back in the water and he's trying to be conservative.
He spent the convalescence filming the action at Da Spot from the water and he will come up with a video. He promised to send me a copy, so hopefully you'll see bits of it on this blog.
How's that wave?
Following Ray's tip, I climbed on a tree to take some of these photos. When I came down (it wasn't particularly comfortable), I noticed that the trunk was pretty much empty! Weird.
Sure honey, that's how you were supposed to wrap the leash.
Fiona brings back the beast.
This is the 5.3 Superfreak Ultralight that I'm selling. One time in the water, like spanking new. $150 off the price list: $360. I got it because everybody was saying to bring big sails in Oahu since the wind is light. Well, they were right about the wind, but I decided that I don't want to sail anything bigger than 4.7. Anyone remembers Dave Osborne? He only had a 4.5 and he made it work in any conditions. The secret: an extremely light rig and a lot of skill. I got the first one, working on the second.
Email me if interested.
And a few photos from day 36, NOT from the tree.
This guy on a good old Hot SO sails launches from his house just upwind, so I never got to meet him and don't know his name. He's pretty damn good.
Him again.
day waves: 29
windsurfing: 452
surfing: 320
total: 772
average per day (32 days in the water): 24.1
PS. Deep storms are stirring the waters down south (must be quite a bad winter in New Zealand). Stay ready for a big day around the 26th.
PPS. OMG. Just watched this video on Had to embed it here too...
"Wow!" is all I can say.
No actually I can add that Pozo should belong to a different PWA discipline called 'Jumping and freestyle on the waves'. Other than that, that young kid is amazing.
How's this small jump?
hi giampaolo,
the guy on the hot sails is rob, owner of - supercool guy.
i might have to block your blog soon instead of having it bookmarked - suffering seeing these conditions - while here on maui, gusty and rainy and ho'o, 4.5, micro-waves, barely breaking...
say hi to the crew, bruno, rob, fabrice and also hans (he's the ripper on the yellow simmer).
Yep, I met Rob today. Nice guy, we share another common friend called Jeff Henderson.
Everyone here is cool. Even the few pros (like Fabrice) don't act like they're pros. In Maui, instead, there's a few non-pros that act like they're pros... I'm sure you know what I mean.
Here is a lot more soul sailing.
Don't worry, I didn't take any photo today. Actually I did take one, but I'm sure that will not make you suffer... ;)
I want your freak.....seriously
Hi Gp,
I watched the Pozo final live on their webcast, I have to say it was great, it looked like a fully edited video of highlights because those guys were pulling jumps and tricks on the (shitty) waves non-stop, it just amazing. Koster stalled double forward from pretty much a shore break ramp was amazing too. You asked for it, now you have it!
Lano, pop out the wallet!
Marcos, which webcast?
If you're talking about the webcam on, it's better than nothing, but still not a proper webcast with commentators, multiple camera views, replay, interviews, live scores from the judges, heats on demand, etc...
Hi Giampaolo,
Thanks for the cool pictures and live reporting. I'm the mystery guy with the SO sail, we met the other day. Can't wait to see some of the videos Bruno took. That kid Philip is amazing, makes us all look like kooks and he's only 15, he has a long way to go. WOW!
Robert Stehlik
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