Hookipa 1 12.
Lots of excellent sailors in the water. Mention deservers: Robby Swift back in action (in particular a sick aerial upwind 360 on the wave), Baptiste Gossein with some serious aerials off the lip, Kevin Pritchard with his usual clean wave riding style.
But my winner of the sailor of the day contest is (once again) Levi Siver. When it's down to free sailing, Levi rarely lose on my sheet.
Here's a little sequence of photos of this young, very capable man.
Let's start with a bottom turn that can only be defined perfect.
Let's continue with a goiter with the sail on the face of the wave.
And let's finish with a beautiful aerial. What I like about this photo, is the light (kind of dark) and the fact that you don't see the wake of the board and you can't tell where he hit the lip. It looks like he could have taken off just outside the picture, on the right. I don't think so, but he's just flying, no matter what!
Lano's wife, not enough of him? A couple more here, together with a bunch of other photos.
But on this main page, I feel like posting two more photos of that day (I only took pictures for one hour!!!).
This is Francisco Porcella in his signature push loop.
This last one is the best one. Watcha think?
Pure luck. I was following the guy with the backloop, I didn't even see the guy riding the wave...
Talking about backloops, I used to try them all the times (never closed one, though). Then I got my knee injured a first time and I wisely decided to quit. Lately, insipred by Glenn's perfect ones, I felt like I could try again and so I did today (love the new 4.5, Jeff).
I went pretty high and I dropped everything before landing. Still a bit too much out of control, hence scary. I decided that I will eventually try a few more, but only in perfect wind and wave conditions. No need to force it. Only if it feels right.
Allright, let's show something else.
Micio has been missing for more than a week. If you saw him around, give Monica a call.
I think he jumped on a truck to check a surfboard and got relocated to Lahaina...
That's how long I wait before I replace something (it looks like a duck with the shadow of my head). I finally bought a new one... but only because it was my birthday!
And finally the girl I just fell in love with...
Hehe, I left a few blanks to create a little suspense...
Margherita is the most smiling little girl in the world.
Isn't she adorable?
Cool pics again G.P!
Before anyone else starts about it. Do you think there is any correlation between the holes in your wetsuit (groin area) and your devotion to pee jibes?
It's possible, even though the holes were on the back, so it's prolly more because of farting turns...
Lanos wife thanks you, although more interviews and close ups please.....and she doesnt care that he has a boyfriend!
LOL at your wetsuit, looks like you have big balls!
Hey Lano: don't let the big patches fool you, the holes were teeny weeny!
Funny, this remind me that time I got out of the water at Kuau and I was unaware that I completely ripped my shorts. I bent down to derig the sail and Michelle that was sitting there asked:
"Giampaolo, is that your ass I'm looking at?".
Without changing position I checked with my hand and all I could feel was my hairy bum.
"I guess it is!", I said.
Everybody on the beach laughed.
She didn't...
Oooops! I meant Levi has a girlfriend!
Your hairy ass starting at me through the your "hole"in your shorts, is still painfully imbedded in my brain. That was hysterical. I think you should wear this suit for the dump off the lip moves, could come in handy!
Good idea.
Maybe I should leave only the upper edge of the patches attached, so that they could open in case something need to go out... like a dog door...
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