Let's start with Hookipa on Jan 5th. There was an interesting mix of NW ground swell and ENE windswell. Few sailors out (tricky conditions). Graham Ezzy went out and did a perfect push loop on his first wave, pretty much landed planing. Guess what he did on the next wave ten seconds later? Another push loop...
I didn't have my camera out yet for those ones, but he deserved the posting of the following three photos.

Kuau saw some action too.

This war monster was flying over Hookipa. Fuck that shit!
By the way, never seen the engines mounted so far forward on the wings. You guys are lucky that I'm not an aeronautical engineer, otherwise I would post a long explanation of the reasons... (nonetheless, of course, I do have a guess).

Ok, Graham Ezzy did two pushloops in a row and deserved three photos. And what about me?!
Clearly, I didn't do any pushloop, but I did two pee jibes in a row!!
The pee jibe is one of the most difficult thing I can do windsurfing. Here's what it is:
I'm planing, hooked in the harness and feet in the footstraps. As soon as I start peeing, I try to jibe without stopping the pee. It's not easy, you need to be really relaxed in your jibe... the most critical part is when you have to switch your feet.
It's a difficult move to learn, because you can't practice it that much. Unless you go back on the beach and drink a bottle of water every 10 minutes...
But, as I said, I got so good at it that yesterday I did two in a row, without stopping the pee (which must have been abundant)!
Since the pee jibe is at least two times more difficult than a pushloop (PWA guidelines), here are my six photos kindly taken by Sharon from the beach at Kanaha on Sunday. The waves were waist to head high, the wind was light (5.5 and 87l board) and only a few people were out (most of them on Superfreaks).
No need for mast high wave for me... as Ulli says on his blog (check out the gnarly Kuau conditions the same day), I always have a lot of fun, no matter what the conditions are!
The first photo shows a pee jibe. Can't see the pee? Of course, I got a wet(!)suit!

Little top turn. Can't do it peeing yet... working on it.

The white SF is a 5.0 (btw, just got a 4.5 like that!), I'm on a 5.5. Can you see the power difference? Maybe it's just a gust, though...

Kind of stuck in that lip there...

This is too funny. Click on the photo and look at the guy in the bottom of the picture... "help me, I'm drowning!"

The Johan Cruijff of the waves... (see how many Freaks around?)

Changing subject, Lano pointed me out this site for helmet cam discussion (Ely, check it out). I was impressed by this windsurfing video (still made with expensive and complex equipment, though), but even more impressed by this one (wait until he starts flying). These guys are nuts!
LOL, fart turns, pee jibes what will be next? A pooh tack into skid mark?!
B.t.w. your Freak really stands out, wow!
Peejibing is soo 2006
Try (wet)suitshitting.
In Holland we are discussing it, waist harness only of course ;)
Does the Superfreak glow in the dark? Does wee glow in the dark? Dont tell me you havent tried!
What, you guys think I was joking?
I dare you to try it (and I know you will). Then, let me know...
Pee tack, that's the resolution for 2007... I guess I should learn to tack first...
Ben, how's the VW? Say hi to Wardog!
I chose the orange one because it was the color I liked most out of the three available at the shop, but... you never know. It may save my ass one day... especially if it really glows in the dark!
My pee does glow in the dark. But only when Sharon puts love potion in my beer. Must be a side effect...
Wait, I got to thank Ulli & Michelle. They bought me a Reef 2007 calendar. which I'm looking at as I type. Jeeeesus, January's ass is mesmerizing!
PS 5 hours in the water today... Haven't decided the mark yet. I'll probably give a star per hour...
I've been trying the pee jibe, maybe it's easier for a man?? It's impossible for me. Now, ... a poo tack into a skid mark - 'kin hilarous! Stay at Kanaha when performing these tricks GP - I don't want to be running into any floaters at backyards!
from your back passage
Almost forgot ........
Wishing you a great year of smooth pee jibes, and solid poo tacks. Here's a birthday manoevre to try:
an ariel "floater" off the lip - we can call it the flying dump when you get it perfected.
Have a Great Day!!!!!
I don't think it's easier for men... why would that be? Keep practicing, girl.
I'm telling you, it ain't easy!
Two in a row, going back in the footstraps and planing in between... that was prolly the most difficult thing I ever did!
Again, we were leaving the comments at the same time. I'm actually pooing as I type, are you too? No, I forgot, you're miss superquick in the bathroom...
Thanks, by the way. Maybe I should do a birthday post...
Aha the Italian wuderman has his Birthday! Happy birtday from the Netherlands. Now you got your pee jibes perfected and you problably will be nailing the poo tack into skid mark, your upcoming year you should aim for the same moves with a twist (switch stance maybe?). Or will this really be the year of Meesh's flying dump? Which ever, have nice one (no not the dump ;-) ).
The pee jibe...now that is a move I can learn! You are joyously mad!
-Michael (also a Freak sailor)
P.S. I'm linking to the Pee Jibe from my blog
Ha you really talk (Write) a lot of good shit! I missed meeeting you at the Aloha Classic as I normally write the PWA press reports but my wife rudely decided to have our baby at that time. I'm sure we'll talk some rubbish about peeing and sailing some time soon. I love your blog and check it out most days. Well done. I write a more official kind of thing on the PWA website each day, but I don't think our tour manager would like me to write about pee jibes. Well actually he could really but he wouldn't let me! Ciao
Robin, thanks.
Michael, thanks for the link!
Brian, just checked your updates, good stuff. I liked the interview to AnneMarie and Junko... just because it was AnneMarie.
Why do I like her so much? Oh yeah, 'cause she's hot...
Who's the tour manager, Rich Page?
Anyway, I'm quite impressed by the success that the pee jibe is having. Assuming that everyone pees while sailing, I assumed too that a lot of people would have tried jibing thru a wee...
Everybody should try it. It ain't easy, but all it takes is practice. And it doesn't require radical conditions. It's like a family move that everyone can do.
And when you finally will get one, you'll see how stoked you'll be. Don't cheat though!
Ciao Giampaolo,
Buon compleANNO !!! (questo ANNO con due "n" ??! Interessante...) E che tal con una jibe di anno ?
Avi un ano ricco di calita' di vita sull'isola !!!
Chris, we need a name for your language...
That aircraft is an Airforce Boeing C17 cargo plane based out of Oahu and not a "war monster" as you call it. They are used to carry supplies to natural disaster victoms as well as supply our brave men and women overseas. Mahalo, Kepi
I can't pee and plane at the same time, so I guess I'll never be able to do it. I can slog and pee quite sucessfully, or of course while I'm in the water. Btw there has been windsurfing almost every weekend since Nov, even today may be doable. I love the Global Warming, but got to say I'm missing my other sport snowboarding. Mass windsurfer.
Kepi, thanks for the clarification, but it doesn't really change my point. Even if that particular one is not a war monster, the Airforce got plenty of them and to those I say: fuck that shit!
As for the brave men and women oversea, if you mean the american troops, no doubt they are brave but they are killing thousands of innocent people. And that makes them and the people that sent them to kill, murderers.
Mass windsurfer, glad you are enjoyng the side effect of global warming. I hope you don't have kids, though, because they won't like it as much as you.
Shame on me not to have found the time yet to do a post about this subject. The problem is huge and everybody need to do something NOW. Go see "An inconvenient truth", as a start.
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