And used it right away... what a superfreaking awesome sail!
Thanks Jeff!

Chris, rather than the flying dutchman I'll try to be the Johan Cruijff of the waves... or the Marco van Basten of the bottom turn or the Ruud Gullit off the lip...
Probably this last one, seen the extreme resemblance. :-O

Come on, I just have to grow mustache and dreadlocks and we'll look alike like two drops of water!
Ok, ok... Cruijff of the waves.
That sail looks AWESOME. I hope you do not end up spitting at germans out there like Ruud used to do.
Its a shame I did not try a Freak when I was on Maui last year (and rented from Kanahakai anyway). Remember? I was the german guy talking to you on the parking lot at Kanaha (and you wrote in the blog about that). I still check your blog (and Kinels and Makanis and Ullis) to keep track of that Maui feeling since I dont know when I will have a chance to come again (we just got a new baby boy, no long distance trips for the moment). So I really enjoy being up to date with what happens in your guys world. Have a good year and keep blogging!
Aloha, Andreas from Hamburg/Germany
Hey Cammar,
As being Dutch, this is a wonderfull artikel!
Great sail and even better comparison with the great football players.... ;-)
Keep up the brilliant reports from the island there!
Funny! Guess I have to wait till March before breaking in my new Freaks (cc289, 291, 312 and 314). Very nice sail G.P. ! So where are you planning to mount tose window whipers?
il nano ha detto:
buon 2007 di swell e passera a go-go!!!
you kick some serious asses!!!
Ciao Mr. Cruijff of the waves proud owner of a new SF,
Lovely colour, sunset-orange, it's really special! Hup, Hup (dutch= go for it)!!!
With your Quoli 2006 you are rather close to a reeel italian/ neapolian wuderman, too! Great funny interview with Mr. I love wipeouts the other day!
Sempre ho saputo che c'e un collegamento mentre qualita di vita e i giorni passato sul aqua del ano stesso, ma loro mai ho contato...i giorni cazati tra i giorni perfetti. Benissima idea!
Mi ringracio per i due pagine web, perfetto per megliorare il mio italiano ed imparare le parole importantissime sul dialogo del surf con le raggazze e i surfisti!
Andreas, this is just a clichee about the spitting Ruud, no ? I am german and lived 2,5 years in the Netherlands, the rivalities of these two countries
concerning soccer are really idiot and even affected my everyday life! They'd better gone for surfing...
And...maybe Voeller called Ruud's mother a bitch ( soccer players are that sensitive... just not like f.e. Mr. Cool Robby Seeger and other surf pros!).
Hang loose out of cold an stormy Belgium,
There's MY uphaul!
I saw you as a Ruud Van Nistelroy actually! Or maybe Edgar Davids!
I still want that sail!
Thanks and hi everybody.
Andreas, good luck with you baby boy. Buy him a Microfreak when he's three.
Robin, great selection! You guys should definitely check it out:
If Jeff does one with Maradona on it, he will sell a few (millions) in Napoli...
I have a story about c270, but I'll post it on the Freak forum.
Nano, oramai la passera e' passata in secondo piano rispetto alle swell... can you believe it?!?!
Chris, your italian cracks me up. FYI, year in italian is anno. Ano is anus... :-O
Sharon, that's my uphaul. Yours is at the shop: $19.95. Unless you want to wait for your birthday present...
When is your birthday again?
Lano, what are you waiting for to buy one?
what happened to all my "bob" sails. please don't forget about me in 2007 everyone.
True, I wrote Bob 77 also on the 5.5 I sold, but that wasn't Bob's sail. In fact, for some mystical reasons, the adhesive dacron I used to write it didn't stick and there was only the shade of it.
The Bob's sail that I have is the 4.7 and the dacron is still firmly attached there.
That one is NOT for sale.
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