This picture taken on Jan 9th (07 5* #3, btw) shows that I wasn't lying...
King Kameharota, king of Kanaha.
King Kamehameha ruled at the beginning of 1800 instead

In this little video you can see the beauty and the glassiness of a couple of waves I go over with the longboard. On the first one, I step way back of the board just to show you the front of it...
If you can't see it here, try here instead.
Jan 10th was my birthday.
Thanks to everybody that wished me happy birthday, but I actually think that celebrating a birthday, just like any other holiday, is something quite stupid.
Do animals celebrate holidays? Of course not. And in my life I try to act as similar to an animal as I can... (somebody may say the I'm pretty successful at that).
So, I didn't celebrate my birthday in any particular way, other than what I normally do.
Got the message? I don't celebrate birthdays because for me they are not special days... I celebrate EVERY day, because they are ALL special days, just for the fact that I woke up alive again!!!
Thanks to everybody that wished me happy birthday or gave me presents, though.
Sharon, of course, was one of them. Here's the most celebration I indulged in. Anything for a laugh...
Understand what FFF stands for now?... Forty Fucking Four!!!
Mother nature gave me the best present with the 07 5* #4... what an awesome start of the year!
Read this to have an idea of the fantastic longboard sailing sesh I had that day. Unreal backside rides on the left bowl at Kanaha. Head to logo high, one magic mast high peeling one.
Me and three surfers out. The ratio of the waves I caught to the waves they caught has prolly been something like 27 to 1...
What an incredible winter for windsurfing so far! Back to back swells and wind oscillating between light, moderate and fresh. Next week unfortunately it should be fresh to strong. You guys should know by now that I don't like strong wind... but I got a brand new 4.5 to try!
Well, while I'm at it, let me post a few pics of a home pizza making sesh we had.
Thanks to Flatbread in Paia (now open for lunch! ;-)) that provided the dough, we had a lot of fun making pizzas and eating it. Came out a bit hard, but still enjoyable...we ate it all. And it was another demonstration that what I've been saying for many years is true:
Sex is like pizza. When it's great, it's great. But if even if it's not great, it's still good enough...
I'll leave you with the Surfline reading of the NW buoy at 7am this morning: 9 feet, 18 seconds, 310 degrees. Unfortunately, that direction is a bit too west to hit Kanaha, that will be shaded by the west Maui Mountain. But I'm going there anyway... Why? Because on top of that big NW swell there's still a ENE swell (the green one: 6 feet, 10 seconds, 65 degrees) that will hit it just fine, providing the King with his daily dose of head high waves...

And tomorrow the NW one will come a few degrees more from the north and it's going to be overhead high (mast high at Hookipa for sure... good luck to all the people that will end up on the rocks, AKA rockstars!!).
WAIT! One more thing!!
Yesterday we saw the orchestra Pink Martini in concert. Absolutely brilliant! 10 incredible musicians and a lovely singer performed at the Maui Arts and Cultural center. Wonna buy a great cd? Look for "Hang on little tomato" on the internet... there's even a song called "Una notte a Napoli"!
Check their tour dates, because if they play in your town and you like music, you just can't afford to miss them.
Stoked on life in Maui.
happy birthday my son...
Do any animals write a blog? hmmm...
Thanks, guys.
Animals don't write a blog, and they don't even contradict themselves... ;-)
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